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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Sublime Convergence of History and Reality - Truth!

Benny Peiser's Global Warming Policy Foundation Reports there's a Reality Check: UN Climate Talks Stall Despite G7 Posturing and G7 Leaders Shift Decarbonisation Goal To End Of Century

Reality Check: UN Climate Talks Stall Despite G7 Posturing - Calls by the Group of Seven (G7) Monday to slash world carbon emissions did little to boost UN climate talks in Bonn, where frustration mounted over the snail-­like progress. Due to end on Friday, the 11­day Bonn talks are tasked with shaping a draft text for the November 30 ­December 11 UN conference in Paris, which must yield a global agreement. But after a week of wrangling, just about five percent had been shaved off a sprawling near ­90 ­page draft, mostly by removing glaring duplications, said delegates. --Agence France-Press, 9 June 2015

Delayed Until Further Notice: G7 Leaders Shift Decarbonisation Goal To End Of Century - In a joint declaration from the G7 summit, leaders of the world’s richest countries called for a global phase-out of fossil fuels for the first time on Monday. That sounds great, but unfortunately, they’re talking about a lax timescale — “over the course of this century.” The leaders also committed to “doing our part to achieve a low-carbon global economy in the long-term,” though they didn’t announce any increased ambitions in cutting carbon in their own economies. --Eric Holthaus, Slate, 8 June 2015

My Take – Wow!  Can we now assume their claims of disastrous “tipping points” was wrong?   Or perhaps they weren’t wrong....perhaps they were know.....lying?  Well we’ve reached the “tipping point” that counts.  The majority of world has “tipped” past believing anything the Warmists, the IPCC, academia, or the politicians have to say about catastrophic anthropogenic climate change.  This is the beginning of the end for this insane policy, and hopefully the beginning of the end for the most irrational, misanthropic, morally defective secular religion the world has ever known – environmentalism! Five years from now the world will gaze back and be outraged at the hundreds of billions that have been spent on policies based on climate change scare mongering.  It’s my fondest hope people like Hansen and Mann end up in jail for it. 

G7 Business As Usual: Plus Ça Change, plus C'est La même Chose - Already in 2009 (L’Aquila summit), G8 made a similar announcement. How did it influence the Copenhagen climate summit? To sum up: G7 repeating UNFCCC + IPCC language and promising to go carbon neutral by 2099. --Oliver Geden, 8 June 2015

Exploiting Shale Gas & Oil Is A 'Moral Obligation', Says British Trade Union - Trade union GMB has signed a landmark agreement with the fracking industry in a bid to accelerate the exploitation of shale gas and oil resources in the UK and boost local supply chains as the sector develops. In a move that is likely to anger environmental groups, GMB signed a joint charter with UK Oil and Gas (UKOOG) which argues that gas is "essential" to British industry and households and will continue to play a key role in the UK's future energy mix. Gary Smith, GMB national secretary, said gas was a matter of national security. "Our homes and large parts of British industry need gas; any suggestion to the contrary is just not real world," he said in a statement. --Jessica Shankleman, BusinessGreen, 9 June 2015

Guess What? Europe Is Against Cheap Green Energy - The lunatics have escaped their asylum and have taken over the entirety of this lovely and beauteous continent. They’re imposing import tariffs on cheap Chinese solar cells. This at the same time as vast swathes of public policy are devoted to the idea that we’ve got to have cheap renewable power in order to save our entire species from boiling itself. We’re also spending hundreds of billions to make such cheap renewables a reality. So, when someone comes knocking at the door asking if we’d like to purchase some cheap our answer is to try and tax them for their temerity? Seriously people, how did we end up with an entire continent, the cradle of modern civilisation, adopting such an insane public policy? --Tim Worstall, Forbes, 7 June 2015

 My TakeThe answer is the “cradle of civilization” is filled with gutless corrupt swine as leaders who will do anything to feather their own nest, even if it means destroying all around them.  The rest are leftists and this is what we should expect from leftists – all of whom claim they do and promote all these misanthropic policies for our own good - and because “it’s for the children”!  Let’s try and get this right once and for all.  What they do isn’t “for” the children it’s “to” the children.  Being loved by the left is a death sentence.  Just ask the Israelis what they think of leftist Jews who want to embrace the terrorists who want destroy the Israeli state – because it’s for their own good!   As Daniel Greenfield recently stated in his article Barack Obama: Born Again Jew: “ The left’s values are self-nullifying. They destroy whatever they touch. The American left must destroy America for the sake of “American values”. The Catholic left must destroy the Catholic Church. The Jewish left must destroy Jews. Its idea of Jewish values is unmaking Jews, Judaism and the Jewish State.”

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