For years the anti-fossil fuel movement has been waging a war against, first, coal--and, more recently, natural gas and oil. It manifests itself through the global warming crusade that targeted coal; the attempts to ban fracking by planting fear, uncertainty, and doubt over a technology that people don't understand; and capitalizing on dramatic accidents, like the Exxon Valdez and the BP Macondo explosion, to limit access to the abundant off-shore resources.
The efforts have
had a level of success-in part because they had a head start and partly because
the energy industry went along with them. Remember BP's "Beyond
Petroleum" campaign? Likewise, politicians have acquiesced and many in
positions of power now favor environment over economy. Think Keystone pipeline.
The goal has become "green," rather than growth. The movement has
pushed regulation after regulation and made it harder and more expensive to
extract natural resources of any kind.
Industry is loath
to attack. After all, it has to work with the local, state, and federal
regulators and legislators who have the ability to pose punitive actions for
minute, unintentional infractions. Most attempts to defend are decried as
"big oil" or "dirty coal"--which automatically discounts
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April 13, Wichita, TX
Southwest Section of the American Association of Petroleum Engineers
Yes, each faction
of the energy industry has its trade associations and the different segments
often battle with one another for position. But a third party is more powerful
and can be more proactive. This is where CARE
comes in.
The Citizens'
Alliance for Responsible Energy is the only organization to focus on the
complete energy sector--oil, gas, coal, uranium/nuclear, wind, solar,
transportation fuels, and electricity generation and distribution--with a
free-market, limited-government approach. We uniquely address the economics of
energy politics and what it means to the average American. By using current
news hooks, CARE has developed an unparalleled messaging distribution channel
that keeps energy in the public discussion in a thoughtful, consistent, and
deliberate way. We are willing to take risks and say things that an individual
company couldn't, or wouldn't, do--and as our work has become more
high-profile, the anti-fossil fuel movement has ratcheted up its attacks.
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April 16, Taft, CA
Taft College Foundation
Petroleum Partners Round-table Luncheon
At IHS CERAWeek in April, Richard Kinder, Kinder Morgan CEO, told attendees "As an
industry, we haven't done a good enough job of explaining how important what we
do really is to the economy and to the well-being of North America and people
around the world. Sometimes, I think people think we're manufacturing
cigarettes or something instead of what we think is very important work ...
people want to flip the switch and turn the lights on and heat their house, but
they don't think about the massive infrastructure and billions of dollars
needed to get to that point."
Kinder is correct. It is because people don't think about energy beyond
flipping the switch and filling up their cars that the anti-fossil fuel
movement has been able to sell them on the fairy tale that the world can be
powered on butterflies, rainbows, and pixie dust. And, this is why the work of
CARE is so valuable. As we head into the important 2016 election, it is
imperative, for the sake of the industries and the salvation of the country,
that whoever becomes the 45th president understands energy and a public that
knows how important energy is will be essential for that end.
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May 14, Ajijic Mexico
Lakeside Conservative Group
Thousands of
members allow us to achieve these goals! However, CARE, a 501(C)3, is always in
need of additional funding. We need not just one big check, but funding from
many different disciplines, and not just from companies, but from individuals
as well--which is why your membership is so vital. Please visit the CARE website to become a
member (it is only $20 a year) or renew your membership. If you know of others
who might be interested in membership or in a position to support our work,
please tell them about CARE, or give me names and contact information and I'll
be happy to follow up.
memberships are important so that when CARE is attacked for our positions--as
we have been and will be, we are accurate when we claim to be an
"alliance" of "citizens."
In a recent op-ed the Albuquerque
Journal published in response to one from CARE, the
author stated that CARE is "neither an alliance of citizens nor does it
appear to take responsibility for anything other than its fossil fuel funders'
interests." To bolster our messaging, a diverse base of support and
membership is important. In the case of the Albuquerque Journal op-ed,
we were able to send an email to our distribution list of nearly 5000 people
asking them to comment on the website. An interesting online conversation
But funding isn't
the only need. To truly educate the public, our message needs to get to as
broad a base as possible. Here's how we reach people and how you can help
expand our message.
news-based, energy-themed commentary
Each week I write a
column that is published throughout the internet on sites like,, and , more
and in many newspapers with a combined reach of hundreds of thousands of
people. That same column is also sent out to this distribution list of nearly
5000 people-though with additional promotion, it could just as easily be sent
to thousands more! As a subscriber, I ask you to forward the weekly commentary
to everyone you know.
Because the weekly
commentary is news-based, its topic is perfect for talk radio. Every week, I
host an online radio program: America's Voice for Energy--which
allows me to expand on the the commentary's theme by interviewing experts on
the topic. I also co-host a weekly energy show on KRFE in Lubbock and am
featured on CSC Talk Radio on the
first Tuesday of Each month. Additionally, I do dozens of radio interviews-both
local and nationally syndicated. These opportunities come, in part, because we
hire a professional to cultivate them. Due to limited funding, we are grateful
the PR firm we use is willing to work with us and promote our messaging as time
permits, rather than as a priority. On rare occasions, when funding allows a
specific message to get an extra push, the volume of interviews has increased
dramatically. Additional funding would provide CARE with front-burner status
and a higher profile for the messaging.
As a cheerleader
for energy, I speak to a variety of industry, political, and civic group
audiences--generally based on the topic of each week's column (though I adjust
the emphasis to be appropriate for each). Some of my recent opportunities
include speaking for the Southwest Section of the American Association of
Petroleum Engineers in Wichita Falls, TX, the Taft College Foundation Petroleum
Partners Round-table Luncheon in Taft, CA, the Libertarian Party of New
Mexico's Annual Meeting, a group of conservatives expats in Ajijic, Mexico, the
Lubbock Area Republican Women, and the Southwest Association of Lease Title
Analysts in Durango, Colorado. This Summer, I am looking forward to speaking
for the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico and the National
Association of Royalty Owners Appalachia Annual Member Conference. Also
upcoming is the Midland Natural Gas Society and the Midland Rotary Club--for
which a sponsor is needed to cover travel expenses of about $100. With the
wealth of material available, I never give the same speech twice. My
presentations are perfect for a luncheon, or as the opening or banquet program
in a more technically focused meeting. We are currently booking into
fall 2015 but have many openings available in the upcoming months.
CARE has a great
track record and is actively spreading the "Energy Makes America
Great!" message. But we could reach so many more people! Will you help us?
In 2014, our average contribution was about $500, so everything helps (an
online "donate" option is available on both the CARE and Energy Makes America Great
websites and checks can be mailed to: PO Box 52103, Albuquerque, NM 87181)! But
you can also encourage others to sign up for our email distribution list (a
"subscribe" link is on the right hand side, toward the bottom, of the
Energy Makes America Great website). You can also forward the weekly column we
send out every Monday.
Regardless of what
level of support you can provide, your involvement is invaluable.
Thank you for being
part of our "alliance" of "citizens!"
Your voice for
Marita Noon
Executive Director
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