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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 25, 2024

We Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself

By Rich Kozlovich

The headline is a quote from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to ease the minds of Americans during the Great Depression:

So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is … fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. 

That was in the midst of the Great Depression, which FDR and his minions created.  The goal of this speech was supposedly to create a positive national attitude, but in reality it was all misdirection, just like we're seeing right now with Joe Biden, the Democrats and their myrmidons in the media.  Unlike Biden, FDR was a great communicator, but as Harry Truman said of FDR, "The President lies".  In that, both Biden and FDR have excelled.  

FDR created the New Deal, which wasn't really new, and it certainly wasn't a deal.  It was a recapitulation of the fascist policies and government of Woodrow Wilson, called America's first fascist President, which plunged the nation into a ten year depression.  He created a massive framework of government agencies, all of which were infested with communists and Stalinist agents.  

Biden is claiming he wants to "build back better", and what he proposes isn't building or better. We actually have a lot more to fear than just fear itself, we really have reason to fear Federal Law Enforcement,' specifically DOJ, FBI.

Federal agencies have been militarized and weaponized.  One Senator asks why the EPA needs with 'mobile command post'.  The IRS serves its 'customers' by terrifying them, an excellent reason to eliminate the 16th Amendment.   Perhaps it's time to disarm the FBI as well.

These agencies and departments have been acting like powers unto themselves, a mentality which was enhanced by the Chevron Doctrine.   These agencies have become what can only be called treasonous and criminal. The government of the United States is now the premiere dividing force in America.  Forget Unity – Americans Name Government a ‘Dividing Force’ 

How many times has America heard President Joe Biden preach about unity and how his administration would ensure the country achieves this elusive goal? Likely too many to count, but the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer released a new poll that shows not only are Republicans and Democrats even more divided than before, but also that the government is a “dividing force in society.”

  The study included opinions from 36,000 people in 28 different countries. Participants were asked about four main areas: government, media, business, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). When considering these sectors, respondents identified which they felt were “a dividing force” or a “unifying force” in society. Government, unsurprisingly, scored the worst, with 48% saying the institution is a “dividing force.” The media came in at a close second, with 46% of the same opinion. Meanwhile, business and NGOs had more people indicating these were a “unifying force in society,” with 45% for the former and 50% for the latter.

As you can see, NGO's and large corporate businesses, all of whom are indebted to government largess, support  the idea that government is "unifying".  We need to define "unifying".  The fact is governments, in order to impose tyranny, rule through division in order to create chaos, allowing them to create the "unity" they desire.  One that imposes tyrannous obedience.  

Call it "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" (DIE), or "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR),Critical Race Theory (CRT),  "Environmental Social and Corporate Governance" (ESG), or anything other equally corrupt and decisive misnomer, in reality it's all about greed, power, and division, in order to "impose" their unity.   And make no mistake, in order for their schemes to come to fruition, they must be imposed because:

When you can’t persuade (because your ideas are dumb), this is the next-best thing....Rather than making the case that their ideas are better than their ideological and political opponents’, the Democrats (Marxists) are demonizing anyone who doesn’t bow to their woke......religion.  The demonization will continue.  Their attacks will soon move from rhetoric and cancellation to violence, for if their cause is just (in their minds), and their opponents are devils (or Nazis), then any means necessary in service of our defeat is justified. This is America’s new (woke) normal.  Buckle up.

And we have a lot more to fear than fear itself.  

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