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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Harbinger of Things to Come, Part II

By Rich Kozlovich  (Part I appeared here)

For some time I've felt the world's economy will face a total collapse, and I further believe the EU will cease to exist by 2030, or ever earlier.  Geopolitical Futures recently published an piece entitled "Gloomy Outlook for the World Economy", saying, The World Bank expects economic activity to go from bad to worse, and published a chart from the World Bank, which I found largely meaningless.

While they found 2023 to be economically resilient, my view that's illusionary, and it appears it's in reality their view also, since they are expecting the Russo/Ukrainian War, all the Middle East issues, especially supply chain issues to put a serious economic damper on 2024.  I think that's the tip of the iceberg.  

The amount of conflict worldwide, either economic, military, political, or just plain crime and violence, is so ubiquitous all of that will have a bigger impact than they may be seeing on the surface.  Or at least willing to predict.  Especially regarding the over 300 trillion dollar worldwide government debt, much of which cannot be repaid. 

On Jan 15, 2024 Rachel Alexander  published this article,  Alarm Bells Increase, Warning of an Impending Huge Economic Collapse, saying:

Powerful voices in the financial and economic sectors are warning that the U.S. is headed for a gigantic economic collapse. The U.S. continues printing money to keep up with its financial obligations, spending way beyond its means. With Democrat Joe Biden as president, there is even less of a check on spending than under Republicans. The debt recently increased another trillion within 90 days, reaching 34 trillion. 

We're seeing activity from the World Economic Forum that's foundationally misanthropic, economically unsound, and morally defective, as notes:

Even as the useless COVID mask is making a comeback throughout some parts of Western Society, witches and wizards of the World Economic Forum are brewing up a new ‘plandemic’ at The 2024 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in scenic Davos, Switzerland. No apologies from WEF’ers for the drastic loss of human life and widespread devastation caused by their response to the Coronavirus—still being felt—worldwide—when they released their pre-planned COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ on unsuspecting masses.

Currently there's another vast waste of money going on at Davos, with the World Economic Forum and they wish to "'Rebuilding Trust".  What load of horsepucky.  

It seems to me they intend to do that through censorship and surveillance.  All of which I find interesting as they've never admitted to any wrong headedness or actions, nor have the asked for forgiveness, implying a lack of repentance.  The word repentance means to "turn about", and it's clear they're never going to change direction.  So what trust is it exactly they're expecting to restore?  

Here's what we can expect from these arrogant, misanthropic, over educated, pampered, and catered to but blatantly stupid elitist freaks and how much the elite hate us, and the utter contempt to which they hold us.

They want to ration food, cut energy use, ban unnecessary air travel, and they will decide what's unnecessary, all predicated on preventing climate change, another false narrative full of junk science and corruption.  They will decide what information is misinformation and anything they don't like is to be censored, and most importantly, seriously restrict the freedoms of the American people

Ursula Vod Der Leven, "The Wicked Witch of Davos", really hates free speech, especially speech about the pandemic corruption and the deadly mandates they imposed on humanity. She's been in bed with the pharmaceutical companies for years, and get this, she's another plagiarist.  

Hmmmm, I wonder if she thinks charges of plagiarism against her counts as misinformation?

Although it was shown almost 45% of all the pages in her doctoral thesis suffered from plagiarism, she didn't cheat.  She had no intent to deceive! Oh no, it wasn't intentional!!! Amazing!!!   So, it was just forty five pages with a lot of accidents?   Yeah, right! 

So she kept her Ph.D. in medicine, and she gets to lecture the world about truth and integrity.  Now....that's just remarkable!  Don't you think? 

But she's not alone.  Representatives from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Rwanda, and Azerbaijan lectured the world on human rights, all of whom have abysmal human rights records.

If she was alive in 1933 The Wicked Witch of Davos would have been in the streets of Germany sieg heiling with tears streaming down her face. But, then again, most likely so too would have Klaus Schwab if he was alive then.   Of course we may wish to suppose they would have been prominent then, and they may have been standing behind Hitler during the Parade Vor Dem Schopfer Grossdeutschland.  That's a concept I don't find far fetched.

We're descending into madness, all the traditional values are being destroyed, violence in the schools is being called the next ‘powder keg’.  Black students are out of control, and just recently 10 black teenagers beat to death a 17 year old white student in a planned attack  Ten of them!   And now at least 4 face murder charges.

A number of recent stories came rushing to mind:

  •  Brendan Depa, a 6-foot-6 and 270 pounds 17-year-old student who had three “battery arrests” before he pummeled and stomped a school employee (into unconsciousness) after she instructed him to put down the Nintendo Switch while he was in school. 
  • The “caught-on-camera” mass brawl in a North Carolina high school, which left a 15-year-old student knifed and bleeding out on the gymnasium floor—the unidentified victim quickly succumbed to his/her injuries.

And that's the tip of the iceberg.  Biden, the Democrats, leftists in government, in academia, the media, entertainment, and commence are destroying western civilization, and it's going to get a lot worse.

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