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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, January 21, 2024

New Hampshire: End of the Line!

By Rich Kozlovich 

On January 16th I published this piece, The Fat Lady Sung, And it's Over  saying:

"It ain't over till the fat lady sings"!  Well, the fat lady sung, and it's all over in Iowa, and Donald Trump won massively...."

What I should have titled that piece as, "It's Now Over, Period!"

There was a lot of talk about how cold it was in Iowa, and because there was so much snow many would stay home and not vote.  Where do these people live?  Iowa, just like Ohio, gets a lot of cold days and lot's of snow, and guess what?  They don't stay home, they're used to it, they know how to navigate it.  

As for the outcome, that was as predictable as night follows day, and if DeSantis and Haley had any class at all, they would have dropped out afterward just like Vivek did.  But they didn't because unlike Vivek, they've been attacking Trump making all sorts of claims, sounding more like Democrats than Republicans. 

DeSantis was already in trouble having to lay off staff , and neither he nor Haley got a Gary Hart bounce from Iowa.  DeSantis' polls are now in the toilet with Haley's polls not much better.

DeSantis claims he made mistakes in Iowa but the fact is, what he did, didn't do, or could have done, wouldn't have mattered.  Nothing can save him.  O'Reilly claims his problem was he's the worst campaigner since Herbert Hoover’.   I disagree.  

He lost because he betrayed the conservative base by running in the first place, and then criticized Trump's policies, successful policies, and in effect denigrated and insulted the base.  He made himself high smelling and low down to conservatives.  
He then had the nerve to claim the Democrats want Trump to be the nominee, which seems to me he's saying you must vote for me because Biden can beat Trump but he can't beat me.  Yeah, right, and I think he just might believe that.  That's the kind of thinking that occurs when listening to sycophants and hearing only what one wants to hear, failing to understanding what people really want, and what's really happening. 
I've said from the beginning I have no idea what was going on in his mind deciding to run against Trump.  Unlike Haley, he could have had a chance in 2028.  If he had waited that time could have given him a priceless opportunity to build a real and broad political base for such a run, and it's likely Trump would have helped him, or at the very least not opposed him.  As it were, he was sounding more and more like a Liz Cheney Never Trumper, along with both George Conway and Mitt Romney who think it's the Trump supporters who are out of touch with reality.   He's toast, and from now on.
Nikki Haley claimed Iowa was an aberration, and the media claimed the problem was that there were just entirely too many white people and Christians living in Iowa.  Outrageous!  How dare they vote for Trump?  Haley was sure New Hampshire was going to correct that aberration.  Well, she's wrong, and she's crashing in the New Hampshire polls also.  Hannah Bleau Knudson saying Trump towers over Haley.


Well, Haley has no real following among conservatives in America.  For one thing she gushes over misanthropes like Bill Gates, and she's weak on every conservative issue of concern. She's sounds more like a Democrat, or at the very least a "Me Too" Republican.  

"She supports open borders. She is a supporter of amnesty. She was opposed to President Trump’s border wall in 2015. She had the audacity to say that in many cases, quote, ‘Illegal immigrants are more patriotic than American citizens.’ She also said illegal immigrants are not criminals. By definition, they are in fact criminals, and they are wreaking havoc on American communities every single day."

It's also clear her support really is coming from Democrats, and neo-con Never Trumpers.  She's their Republican candidate.  Her big donors are as delusional as Haley, pushing Democrats to switch parties in order to vote for her.  And as always, the Democrats just can't take a chance on fair play and actually letting the masses express their views, after all, they might not have the right view. 

How do people that stupid get so wealthy? 

There's talk claiming her refusal to attend another debate is big negative for her campaign.  Horsepucky.  It seems to me she realizes it just doesn't matter.  Plus, she's not very good at it.  With all the negatives her opponents keep beating her with, why bother?  And no matter what the the pundits are saying failing to do another debate won't have a thing to do with keeping her in the race. She's toast, and from now on.

At the beginning of this campaign I wondered if her past history of infidelity was going to become an issue.  I knew about that, and even posted articles dealing with it years ago, but Trump certainly couldn't bring this up with his history.  I am a bit surprised it's coming up now, except South Carolina is next, and when she was Governor there and that infidelity was common knowledge in her state.  

If she stays in, I'm betting that was going to be discussed with Republicans in that state.  But no matter, even Governor Sununu, who shot off his Never Trumper mouth about how she was going to crush Trump, and how damaging Trump is to the party and to the nation, is now forecasting her loss in New Hampshire. 

As Jack Hellner over at American Thinker observed, Nikki Haley and the Never-Trumpers couldn’t be more wrong about Trump saying:

He's "not a loser and has not harmed the Republican Party; he has given it a backbone, and his policies are popular because they were very successful."  

We'll come back to that, but let's start with the fact Joe Biden isn't Trump’s real opponent, and the more they attacked him, and the more they corrupted the legal system against him simply solidified their support because American's hate cheaters and bullies.

"Biden is a symptom, not a cause of America’s illness.  The cause lies in the embrace by the Democrat party of a Marxist/fascist hybrid collectivism, to be elevated by any means necessary..............Our enemies are within the gates; indeed, they have taken control of the gates and are opening them wide to nearly every external threat they can find.  They’re fully aware of the catastrophic consequences to our nation of their treachery and accepting of it as simply the cost of “fundamental transformation.” ..............Trump is the disruptor of all this.  He’s the only true threat to the existence and further hegemony of the “uniparty.”  However, unless we aim him toward the true enemy — the Democrat party as a whole....."
Steve McCann noted in his article, Donald Trump and the Fate of the Nation:
No American president since Abraham Lincoln has ever carried more scars of office than Donald Trump. However, it is these scars of battle, his larger-than-life persona, and the reality of dealing with a well-armed Democrat war machine that Trump, if he accepts the nomination, will face in November of 2024. Thus, thrusting him into a win or be solely responsible for the fate of nation situation.............There can be no question that Donald Trump harbors a deep affection for this country and its people. He, therefore, is well aware of the dire consequences for this nation and his legacy if he loses. It is vital that Trump, despite his ongoing legal battles, begins to immediately focus on doing everything he can to ensure a victory in November...........
Without a monolithic black vote, Democrats can't get elected, and we're seeing a surge in black voter support for Trump.   Senators like Ted Cruz are endorsing Trump, and the big hit came when Senator Tim Scott's endorsed Trump.  He's black, he's Republican, he's conservative, he was initially a candidate, and he's from South Carolina where Haley was governor.  If she stays in, she'll be humiliated in South Carolina.  The fact is, Donald Trump owns the Republican party, so get over it, because the fat lady sung, and it’s over!!! 
Update:  DeSantis has dropped out and endorsed Trump.  He went on to say:
......that he "signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee, [and he] will honor that pledge....because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear — a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents.....The days of putting Americans last, of kowtowing to large corporations, of caving to woke ideology are over,"................
At this point I'm not going to beat on him, because I think that would be really tacky, but, as the reporter in Charlie Wilson's War said:  We'll see!  
As for Nikki, she says, ‘May the Best Woman Win’…

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