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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Fat Lady Sung, and It's Over!

By Rich Kozlovich

"It ain't over till the fat lady sings"!  Well, the fat lady sung, and it's all over in Iowa, and Donald Trump won massively, which outraged Rachel Maddow saying Trump is a dangerous fascist, but his supporters are even worse.  Imagine that!  And why are they worse?  According to that MSNBC's resident racist, Joy Reid, Iowa has entirely too many whites and Christians. Imagine that. 

I often wonder if these nitwits even know what the definition of fascism is, because if they don't that means they're stupid.  If the do, and yet keep making that claim, it means they're deliberately lying and stupid.

Well, Maddow has just under 4 million viewers, and in a nation of 332 million people that means 328 million people didn't hear a thing she said, and the ones who did, already believed her nonsense, and like her, they're either stupid, or stupid liars.    So, who cares what she thinks?  And if I didn't read news sites I couldn't have known what she said, and I was even surprised to find she's still on the air. 

Let's start with Chris Christie.  Even as stupid as he is, he knew what was coming and no matter what he would say afterwards, it wouldn't erase the humiliation of getting almost no votes, and finally did something smart for a change, and dropped out ahead of time. Something former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson failed to do and got less than 1% of the vote, even less than Ryan Binkley, and I have no idea who he is, but he got .07%.  How much less did Hutchinson get?  I have no idea, but get this:

“We plan on going to New Hampshire. I’ve got my flight booked there. But we’re going to reevaluate after this evening. We’ll see where we finally end up and if we’ve got the strength to carry on this campaign beyond Iowa,” Hutchinson told KCCI in Des Moines.

Remarkable, what's going on in this nitwit's head?

As for As of 11:30 pm ET, last night with 95% of the vote counted, Trump had 51.0%, Ron DeSantis came in a distant second, 21.3% and Nikki Haley getting 19.1%, and Vivek Ramaswamy also ran.  He ended up with 7.7%.  He wisely ended the pain, and I'm a bit surprised he didn't finish closer to Haley as he beat her up badly during the campaign. 

While Vivek Ramaswamy has dropped out, he has given his full endorsement to Trump, and Trump is being gracious in return saying, "He did a hell of a job".  Not only did he call Trump to tell him he was out and fully supporting him, he'll be appearing with him to campaign in New Hampshire. 

He'll get a spot in the administration if he wants it, no matter what he's said about that in the past.  Perhaps being appointed to be the "Gut the Deep State Czar" might be a good spot, especially to see who and what he really is, which I think was the knock on him.  He had history that concerned conservatives.   I found that whole campaign bizarre to tell you the truth, but then again, I've found this entire run by Republicans bizarre, especially DeSantis.   What is going on in their heads? 

DeSantis came in second, a distant second, and whined about it trying to put a smiley face on this failure for his staff.  Even claiming the media was in the tank for Trump.  Huh?  The media's in the tank for Trump?  Ya just gotta be kidden me!  He can't really believe that...can he?  If he does it further shows he's delusional, which I've believed from the beginning of his campaign, and he's toast from now on nationally.  However, at this point it seems clear he plans of staying in the race.  

I think that's called masochism?  

Talking about masochism, there's Nikki Haley, who practically groveled to the Iowa voters and they dumped her into third position, and probably only did as well as she did because Democrats could vote in the Iowa Republican primary, which is stupid, and she's the Republican candidate for Democrats.

Now she's dissing them and saying New Hampshire will correct these Iowa nitwits, and she's getting support from Never Trumpers Bill Kristol, and Governor Chris Sununu.  Now, let's see a show of hands on how many conservatives will change over to Haley due to those endorsements!  She actually thinks these Iowa results make this a two person race.  She must think Trump is going to drop out.  

Here's a thought worth noting.  Combined, DeSantis and Haley spent 72 million dollars, far more money than Trump to come in a far second and third.  Where's that money coming from?

Rand Paul has been ripping Haley, but Sununu says no one in America cares what Rand Paul thinks about Nikki Haley. Really?  Well here's what he thinks, Here, Here, and Here, and it ain't pretty.

Which in effect, affirms what I said from the beginning, she's not to be trusted.  While she seemed to have been outstanding as the Ambassador to the United Nations, she proved to be a leaky vessel, and turned on Trump for reasons I never understood, although here are her excuses, which I think tells the whole story on Nikki Haley.  

I think she's a as slippery as an eel, unwilling to state a man can't be a woman, and is on board with the climate change climatistas, and is weak on every issue that's important to conservatives.  She's a "make believe conservative", all too common among Republicans, and if Nikki Haley, is the Establishment’s last hope, they're toast.  But here's a thought worth exploring.

Final thought.  I've said over and over again I have no idea what's going on in the heads of these two nitwits.  If DeSantis had stayed out of it he had a chance in 2028, and he's still young enough, but Haley was toast from the beginning because she's shown just how untrustworthy she is.  Who were these two listening to?  Why would they believe they actually had a chance against Trump? 

Answer?   They weren't connected to the base, and isolated themselves in a echo chamber of head nodding self promoters, and now both are toast nationally, and DeSantis will be another also ran former governor like John Kasich who no one wants anything to do with, except the main stream media who trots him out like the talking head he is to smear Trump.  

The only political future I see for all these people is the No Labels Party, better named the No Future Party. 


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