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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, April 23, 2016

‘The Usual Suspects’ in the Persecution of Global Warming Skeptics

By Russell Cook
Barely two weeks after the March 29 press conference where Al Gore and a group of state attorneys general vowed to push ahead on potentially prosecuting "corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change," a surprising news situation developed where Wall Street Journal reporters announced they had viewed a leaked email agenda printout detailing how a small group of environmentalists were scheming "to establish in public's mind that Exxon is a corrupt institution."  Two days later, the Washington Free Beacon showed the printout, and other news outlets later referred to it and the environmentalist names within it, most prominently environmentalist lawyer Matt Pawa.

But Pawa is not simply a lawyer who tried to sue ExxonMobil on behalf of a small Alaskan village, and two other names in that leaked email, John Passacantando and Kert Davies, aren't simply guys with vague former connections to Greenpeace........ It appears that Matt Pawa, John Passacantando, and Kert Davies, along with Al Gore, are trying out the new theory that going after "climate deniers violating racketeering laws" will finally silence people who criticize the notion of catastrophic human-caused global warming.  But rather than winning big with it, is this now a situation that will expose that it's been a clique of enviro-activists engaging in racketeering efforts for the past 20 years?

To Read More......


  1. Thanks for your support! The more people who find out about the origins of the smear of skeptic climate scientists, the more likely the smear will be exposed to everyone and finally shut down as a result of shamed self-censorship - or from prosecution if it violated laws.

  2. You are very welcome. Keep up the good work.

