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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Madness Continues: Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs

Iran demands new bribes — and Obama rushes to deliver - The traitor in the White House can’t appease the genocidal mullahs of Tehran quickly enough. It is his number one priority.

Iran Obama

Just how far will President Obama go to protect the nuclear deal with Iran — which he sees as central to his legacy? We’ll be finding out soon.   Tehran is loudly threatening to pull out of the accord unless it gets access to the US financial system. It would have to settle for the measly $150 billion in cash it’s already pocketed, plus the end of global sanctions.  Valiollah Seif, head of Iran’s central bank, charged last Friday that Washington isn’t living up to its part of the deal because...

UK prison imams spread HATRED: Devout Muslim preachers distributing leaflets encouraging MURDER of apostates, hatred of women and gays - This isn’t “extremist literature.” This is Islam. But the British refuse to face that fact. They’re too busy keeping counter-jihadis out of the country to notice. 
“UK prison imams are free to spread hatred: Preachers found to be distributing extremist literature including homophobic and misogynistic leaflets,”  Muslim preachers approved by the Government are routinely distributing extremist literature in British prisons leaving hundreds of inmates at risks of radicalisation, a leaked report has found.   The extremist review, ordered by Michael Gove last year, found extremist CDs and pamphlets in more than 10 jails in November, it was reported...

Germany: Muslim Teens Detained On Suspicion Of Bombing Sikh Temple - Devout jihadis are at war with the entire world and with everyone who is not Muslim. But the opinion-makers and leaders of the free world are too busy wringing their hands over islamofauxbia to notice.

Elite Paris university holds HIJAB DAY to “experience the stigmatisation experienced by veiled women in France” -   Hijab Day at Paris’ elite Sciences Po? Why not a day for the girls who didn’t want to cover up and were honor killed for it? Why not a day for Muslim girls who were killed by their fathers and/or brothers for refusing to wear the hijab? For the millions of women and girls forced to wear the cover-up, such a tribute is ghastly......

Tea Party’s Margaret Thatcher Award: Conservative Woman of the Month - Margaret Thatcher Award: The Tea Party is proud to announce that our Conservative Woman of the Month winner for April is Pamela Geller. At great personal risk to herself, Pamela has been the leader in exposing the dangers of Islam to the world. We are so honored to give her this award!

Biden SLAMS Netanyahu hours after Jerusalem jihad bus bombing - The Obama administration’s betrayal of Israel and siding with the “Palestinian” jihad force has been a constant throughout this disastrous presidency. It is fitting that Biden made these remarks in a speech to J Street, the viciously anti-Israel group that presents itself as a Jewish organization: that hypocrisy and deceit characterizes the Obama presidency.

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