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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, April 23, 2016

McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton

By Graham Moomaw

Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order Friday restoring the voting rights of 206,000 ex-felons, a sweeping action the governor said was aimed largely at rectifying Virginia’s “long and sad history” of suppressing African-American voting power.  The move, coming in a presidential election year, outraged Republicans who accused McAuliffe of abusing his power to help longtime ally Hillary Clinton win a battleground state by putting more likely Democratic voters on the books....... Speaker of the House William J. Howell, R-Stafford, blasted the order as a political ploy to boost Democrats’ chances in November...... “Considering that the entire General Assembly was in session just two days ago, the timing of this action should give all legislators pause,” said Senate Majority Leader Thomas K. Norment Jr., R-James City. “Perhaps this governor does not expect to have to work with the General Assembly next session, as he might be planning on an appointment to an office headquartered in a different capital city.”.....To Read More....

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