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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 22, 2016

Happy Earth Day: 7 Enviro Predictions From Earth Day 1970 That Were Just Dead Wrong

Andrew Follett Energy and Environmental Reporter 
From predicting the end of civilization to classic worries about peak oil, here are seven environmentalist predictions that were just flat out wrong.

1: “Civilization Will End Within 15 Or 30 Years”
2: “100-200 Million People Per Year Will Be Starving To Death During The Next Ten Years”
3: “Population Will Inevitably And Completely Outstrip Whatever Small Increases In Food Supplies We Make”
4: “Demographers Agree Almost Unanimously … Thirty Years From Now, The Entire World … Will Be In Famine”
5: “In A Decade, Urban Dwellers Will Have To Wear Gas Masks To Survive Air Pollution”
6: “Childbearing [Will Be] A Punishable Crime Against Society, Unless The Parents Hold A Government License”
7: “By The Year 2000 … There Won’t Be Any More Crude Oil”

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