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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

American Thinker

Editor's Note: I've attempted to organize these articles topically, and some will be listed more than once as a result. Please enjoy:

My Commentary Pick

By Taylor Lewis

I’ve been feeling down lately. You see, I’m a white heterosexual American Christian. That means I’m the worst thing to ever draw breath on the planet. By virtue of existing, my kind if responsible for all theinjustice in the world. Wars splintering apart Mesopotamia? Famine raging in Africa? Poverty in Latin America?

All my fault. White colonialism has ransacked the entire globe, leaving it razed and destitute. All the world’s problems, from hunger to strife to impoverishment, fall squarely on the back of the white man. And those are just the issues that affect people beyond America’s borders.

On the homefront, white heteronormative Christ-believers are, again, being blamed for all of society’s ills. The bourgeoisie lifestyle once seen as high achievement is now regarded as backwards and idiotic. Human dignity has been redefined by will-to-power gnostics. Liberal elites now tell us it’s brave to ravage and deform your body. They demand that we all endorse same sex marriage. And they regard all rational limits to behavior, no matter how debased, as bigoted.

If that weren’t bad enough, the simple things we take for granted have become verboten.......

Conservative Values

Lloyd Marcus

Placing themselves on a seat of moral superiority, Leftists look down their noses at the rest of us. More


Only You Can Prevent Bad Public SchoolsBruce Deitrick PricePlease don't expect the American Education Establishment to fix things. It's up to you. More

Chicago teachers vote to authorize strike - They've borrowed from Peter to pay Paul for so long that Peter has given up in disgust.More

University of Iowa president the latest target of PC warriors - Academia has entered a Red Guard phase of extreme political correctness More

Election 2016

GOP December 2016 Debate: Another View - The debate was much stronger for everyone -- except perhaps for Trump. More

The "foreign policy" debate, especially in light of Paris and San Bernardino. Not bad for Donald Trump. More
Government Corruption

Auditor: EPA broke the law in social media campaign to push water rule - For the fourth time this year, the Environmental Protection Agency has been accused of breaking laws governing its operations. More

Gun Control


Immigration and the consequences

A pause in Muslim immigration is not about religious freedom and the First Amendment, but instead about opening our doors to people who are hostile to our American culture. More


Is This the First Step toward Islamic Reform? - James Arlandson (Editor's Note: I'm all for Islamic reform. If there's reform - Islam ceases to exist.)


Leftist Insanity

Muslim Occupied Europe

Scandinavia gets a clue about Muslim migrants -Can someone – anyone! – please tell me when the West became this shockingly stupid and suicidal. More

Obama, his delusions and his boys!

Can President Obama let go of his GITMO fantasies?- Time to let this dumb talking point die. More

Fire Jeh Johnson! - He should either resign in disgrace or be fired. Of course, that will never happen, for Johnson is black and comes from the American black aristocracy. More

Race in America

Colin Flaherty
The Washington Post wants to pretend that it had nothing to do with the thousands of stories it has run that featured or depended on the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" fraud. More

Jeffrey Folks
Personal experience in academia shows that affirmative action helps no one involved – not even those it most purports to help. More

Trump Chronicles

Why Trump Might Win - Bruce Walker
Trump in a general election battle with Hillary would have several potentially devastating advantages. More

War With Terror

We Have Completely Lost Our Minds Category

When a 52-year-old man decides he is a 6-year-old girl- The denial of reality has become a civil right, at least in the eyes of the left. But at least we get to watch thought-provoking and highly entertaining videos like this one. More

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