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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, December 18, 2015

Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions: Special Newsletter

By John Droz Jr., Physicist and Environmental advocate


Here is the promised Special Newsletter about the recent Paris meeting (aka COP21 — i.e. the UN’s 21st "Conference of Parties").

Let’s cut to the chase: these assemblies have n-o-t-h-i-n-g to do with CO2, Climate, or Science. Instead they are about money, power, control and promulgating doctrine.

t is increasingly apparent that the most fundamental objective of this crusade, is to substantially undermine Western civilization. If you are the slightest bit skeptical of this reality, then please read some of the books written by US environmental leader, Bill McKibben. One of his recurrent homilies is that “modernity” (aka Western civilization) is a bad thing.

With Bill and his fellow acolytes, this is literally a religion. (See here, here, here, here, here and  here for sample reports about this.) It’s important to note that when discussing someone’s religious beliefs: facts, logic, Science, etc. are irrelevant (and irreverent) matters that only come into play when they accidentally coincide with the dogma being proselytized.

The good news is that these people are so mesmerized by their own gibberish and greed, that (so far) they have been incapable of coming up with anything meaningful. As Voluntary Mush says: in the end, what we got out of Paris is:

            1) voluntary emission caps,
            2) voluntary progress reviews,
            3) no international oversight of any voluntary progress, and      
            4) voluntary contributions to the Fund.

That these preachers are spinning this pablum as a major accomplishment, tells you all you need to know about the credibility of anything they say.

Who is the biggest beneficiary of this insidiousness? China. What would China and some of our largest environmental organizations have in common? Communism — which they’d like to replace Western civilization with. It’s all explained quite well in the trailer for Grinding America Down.

In any case, below is some reasonable commentary on the Paris convocation, roughly arranged in chronological order: before, during and after.

As a positive person I see at least two reasons for optimism:

1) Citizen sensibility. This related current poll indicates that despite the tedious sermons of the current administration, and environmental extremists, most US citizens are not worshiping at their altar.

2) Real Religion. As I hope the photo I edited suggests, even in the darkest hour, hope springs eternal... Thank you for your support this year. I hope that you and your family have an enjoyable Christmas and holiday season — and that 2016 is a profitable and productive year.

Paris Global Warming Meeting: In Advance
 Paris Global Warming Meeting: While Going On —
Paris Global Warming Meeting: Agreement & Aftermath —


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