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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, October 15, 2015

You won't believe the price tag for all that free stuff offered by Dem candidates at the debate

By Rick Moran October 15, 2015

Any time you get a bunch of Democrats together in the same room, it is recommended that you grab hold of your wallet tightly and lock up the family silver.......The Democratic presidential candidates who took the stage for their debate on Tuesday night tried to outdo one another in rushing to give away tax dollars on wild spending schemes. How much are we talking about? The Washington Times has some thoughts….. Mrs. Clinton proposed $515 billion in new domestic spending over 10 years in the debate Tuesday night, on initiatives ranging from energy to education…….. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, called the Democrats’ event Tuesday night “a liberal versus liberal debate about who was going to give away the most free stuff.” His criticism drew a rebuke from the Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Christina Freundlich, who said Mr. Rubio and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush are interested in “dishing out breaks for the wealthiest and powerful corporations” while Democratic candidates are pushing initiatives to help the middle class.

Compared to Senator Sanders, Hillary Clinton is a spendthrift:  The NTU has calculated that Mr. Sanders‘ agenda totals $1 trillion in annual spending increases, and that in the past six years he has supported spending at levels 17 times higher than that of the average Senate Democrat......To Read More....
My Take - "Democratic candidates are pushing initiatives to help the middle class"...really? First of all - who exactly do they think are the middle class? Secondly, where exactly is all this money going to come from? Oh wait ... I know.... I know....we can tax the top 10% of the economic pyramid real heavy, especially the top 1%? Or perhaps we can tax the corporations even heavier?  How's that sound? 
Let's get this right!  If they took all the profits of the top 10% there wouldn't anywhere near enough to pay for all this extra stuff let alone what they're already wasting. As for the corporations - we need to get this - the super rich and corporation don't pay taxes. They increase prices. Taxes are a cost of doing business and those costs are passed on to the consumer and the super rich stop investing depressing the economy.  That doesn't hurt the rich - it hurts this so-called "middle class" and the poor.   
The only people who really pay taxes are those who can't pass that cost down to others. And other than Bernie Sanders - who must be the dumbest or craziest man on the planet because I really believe he's sincere in his conviction this is good for humanity - they all know this is nothing more than a hidden tax on everyone else, including the poor, who have to pay higher prices for everything.
At some point the tax burden will be so high the producers will not be able to pass these costs on because the consumers won't be able to afford the costs and stop buying.  Then the producers will go out of business, further destroying the economic security of the "middle class" and the poor these leftists claim to be so concerned about. 
We really need to start thinking critically. We need to question everything and to do that we need to think historically.  We need to start reading history books!  Let's get this once and for all - dystopia follows leftism just as sure as night follows day.  That’s been the history of the world since the beginning of leftism with the French Revolution.  If leftism has “always” been disastrous “everywhere” – and it has - why would we think it would be different here and why would we believe it would be different today or tomorrow?

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