“The public has been misled by an unholy alliance of environmental scaremongers, funds-seeking academics, sensation-seeking media, vote-seeking politicians and profit-seeking vested interests.” - Viv Forbes.
This page is devoted to dealing with green issues only. Especially those green issues involving the pest control industry. The information deliverers of our industry, including the trade journals and association publications, are not - much to my dismay - prepared to be crusaders. Why? Because they weren't designed to be crusaders. From the beginning they felt their job was to educate the industry, and I have to admit they've done a good job of it. The Third Voice will be an advocate, an activist, and a heterodox! Heterodoxy isn't for the faint of heart, but we need a voice that's willing to stand up and say to the world - "You're wrong, and I'm going to tell you why!" - a voice committed to defending our industry, what we do and what we use.
In a court of law if a defendant is caught lying at any point during the trial their entire testimony is called into question. Plus they can be prosecuted for perjury. Unfortunately the greens take no oaths involving "truth"! The greenies lie! Lies of commission and lies of omission! Everything else is speculation and emotional accusations in the form of questions in which they know there is no answer. They win the battle of emotions, they always have. We win the battle of facts, we always have. In order to win the war we must win the battle of emotions and the battle of facts. This page will be devoted to exposing the real truth of all things green.
I will be posting a number of old articles to get this up and running. Please enjoy: The Alar Story.
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