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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Erick Erickson

Our President is a Jackass - “[I]nstead of calling for religious tolerance – as he would have if the shooter had been a muslim – the President instead demands gun control.” Last night, as the sun set over Washington, if you asked President Obama who had been brave that day, he’d have said himself, not the students who declared themselves Christians…

The One Question Someone Should Ask Barack Obama - The next time the President comes down from Olympus to receive the sacrifices and prayers of the American press corps, they should ask him just one question. This one: Mr. President, you had a majority of the House of Representatives and United States Senate for two years when Republicans could not block or obstruct you….
The Shooter Targeted Christians. But How Did He Get His Guns? - The media is willingly rushing to demand gun control after yesterday’s shooting in Oregon. They are going to ignore that the shooter was targeting Christians. We now have too many eye witnesses saying this to ignore the truth. The media will say we would not know this, but for press reports, but they will ignore….

Yes Mr. President, We Do Need More Guns in Schools - “It’s almost as if the President and the Left are okay with students being fish in a barrel for gunmen in order to exploit the tragedy for gun control.” The President tried to pre-emptively ridicule the idea that some of us would say we need more guns. But that fact is true. The President and….

A Shooting in Australia - Last night, the President said, “We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.” Today there has been a shooting....

Georgia Republicans Are Pay to Play - The first Republican governor since Reconstruction got elected in 2002. The Legislature flipped by 2004. By 2008, all statewide elected officials had become Republican. The state avoided the national Democratic wave in 2006. Despite a lot of bluster about Georgia turning purple, in 2012 and 2014, the Republicans held.
There are, unfortunately, a lot of warning signs that the days of the GOP are coming to an end. Greed and corruption have set in quickly. To be fair, many of the present Republican officeholders were Democrats and changed their party to stay in office. Now they view their offices as get-rich-quick schemes.

The Legislature, under the leadership of Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and Speaker David Ralston, is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme of check writers. Wanting to know what legislation will pass is as easy as looking at campaign contribution disclosure reports. He who gives the most money wins......

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