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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Must Read Article: We Have Ted Cruz's List: Harvard Law Really Is Littered with Communists

March 5, 2013 By Matthew Vadum
It turns out Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was correct when he claimed Harvard Law School had significant numbers of what might reasonably be called "communists."  Anyone who knows the Ivy League knows the question shouldn't be, Who at Harvard is Marxist? but Who at Harvard isn't Marxist?
Cruz, a U.S. senator for almost two months now, made the offending statement in a speech almost three years ago.  He described Barack Obama as "the most radical" president "ever to occupy the Oval Office."
Obama "would have made a perfect president of Harvard Law School" because "there were fewer declared Republicans in the faculty when we were there than communists!" said Cruz.  "There was one Republican. But there were 12 who would say they were Marxists who believed in the communists' overthrowing the United States government."
Dan McLaughlin, a law school classmate of Cruz, confirms that the senator "is absolutely right on the basic point here:  there were multiples more Marxists on the Harvard Law faculty at the time than open Republicans."...To Read More.....

My Take - This has been a problem since the 1920's when Stalin's Soviet secret agents began infesting every area of influence of American life.  Soviet secret agents, communists and fellow travelers; those who philosophically were in such harmony with the Soviet Union and Joe Stalin their consciences permitted them to commit treason.   The same kind of attacks were launched against Joe McCarthy in the fifty’s.  It turned out he was right.  As the years have gone by those who shared this kind of thinking became so ensconced in the system that they were in control of who was hired at the news stations, newspapers, academia….and worst of all….government.  These agents so infested the federal government during the Roosevelt years they actually were responsible for Stalin taking all of Eastern Europe under his wing and Mao for taking over China.  Well, there is no Joe Stalin and no Mao Tse Tung any longer, but the mentality still exists in all these areas of American life and now their goal is to eliminate the power of the American economy in order to destroy the U.S. Constitution; the only things standing in the way of a world government under the auspices of the most corrupt and incompetent organization the world has ever know; the United Nations.  I often wonder if they are all insane.  No other explanation can justify such activity. 

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