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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 14, 2013

An Injustice Against our Citizens

 A Message from the El Paso County Sheriff's Office
Historically, any citizen would be allowed to speak if they arrived at the Capitol early and signed up on testimony records. Although sign up sheets were in place and citizens including myself signed up, we were completely disregarded.….I was completely disheartened at what I was witnessing and this was exacerbated when I learned experts included an individual that was not a resident of Colorado who had no credentials to qualify as an expert except his spouse was a victim of the Tucson Arizona shooting……I was told the rules did change several times and that this was very unusual. These changes were driven by the majority leadership, Senator John Morse, and the chairperson of the involved hearing committee…..To add insult to injury, the following Wednesday, I received an email containing the following language from a member of County Sheriffs Of Colorado:
“…I have been advised by a reliable source at the Capitol that the Dems are seriously not pleased with the CSOC positions on the gun bills, and given the potential for a real salary bill to be introduced as you shall see from a follow-up email from” (an unnamed sheriff), “support of SB197 would put us in a more favorable light for salary bill support from the Dems. I do not believe we would be sacrificing our principles or positions on the other gun bills by supporting SB197.” “...Please let us know what you think on this proposal ASAP as I need to get a letter from us to the Senate Dems before the close of business today.”
As I see it, senate Dems have made it known, “sheriffs, obey or no pay for you.”…To Read More…..

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