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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 2, 2024

Tim Walz Hits Keep Right on Coming

By Rich Kozlovich


For a start we now absolutely know the  CNN "interview" with Dana Bash was nothing more than a farce, making it impossible for Bash to ever claim she's anything other than a Pravda propaganda hack.  It was a 41 minute interview, a "per-recorded interview",  that only showed 18 minutes, with CNN refusing to release the parts they cut out.  Which according to media professionals isn't the norm, "meaning, CNN was running cover for her in order to make her look better than she really was."

 Now it's being wondered, "if Kamala had to have editorial control of her interview with reporters serving as her handmaids, what does it say about her that she had to cut so much out? This is clearly amateur hour from her side."

As for Tim Walz, many are asking "who vetted this guy"?  His brother says he's  not the one you want making decisions.  They've not spoken for eight years and says there are stories he could tell.  Apparently meaning Walz conduct has been egregious for a long time, but wants to keep his family out of it. 

The problem is he's not any different than Kamala or any of the other "leading" Democrat liars, including MD Gov. Wes Moore who claimed he won the bronze star.  He says he was told he won it and just accepted that.  Well, I served, and when I was being separated I was required to review my awards, and I know what I was eligible for that wasn't listed, and if I'd been told I won a Bronze Star, I would have noticed it was missing.   But, we're expected to believe he didn't notice "his Bronze Star" wasn't listed?   

Now Walz relationship with China is being seriously questioned, wondering if he really is a Manchurian candidate, and it's being wondered if he's ever been on China's payroll.   If there 's smoke, there must be fire, but unless the Pentagon turns over the needed records, it will be difficult to understand what was really going on, and they're stonewalling Congress.  Why? If there's nothing there, then why?  That will be interesting to watch play out.

We also now know he's a persecutor of Christians, as the Governor of Minnesota forcing teachers to abandon their traditional faiths to teach in Minnesota.   As Andrea Widburg states:

Like all good communists, Walz believes the only faith allowed is the one that aligns with the state, and anything that deviates from that will be punished. 

People are what people do, not what they say, and not what the Pravda media say about them.  If their actions are blatantly unconstitutional, that's who they are, and when they're part of a culture of like minded people, it's then culture corruption, and no vile act could possibly offend them.   He's been vetted by those just like him.

And the hits just keep right on coming.  


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