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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Coming Attractions From Today's News

If a godless, communist thug comes to power in a country, chances are pretty good lots of people will get killed. These are principles that history has consistently verified............The Democrat hierarchy now is hard-core Marxists/Leftist, people with no conscience whatsoever, to which political power means everything. And they will stop at nothing to obtain it. - Mark Lewis 

By Rich Kozlovich



Last week I posted this article,  Illegal Aliens, Gun Control, National Security, and Treason, and in that piece I discussed the take over of a number of apartment buildings by gangs of illegal aliens from Venezuela forcing the tenants to give them their rent money.  I noted in that piece the authorities were doing nothing about it and the governor wants everyone to ignore the videos showing what was going on.  In that piece I linked an article that stated: 

Most Americans have no idea what’s coming when the invasion forces that have already penetrated and occupied America are given the “purge” activation order to exterminate and replace American citizens.

 Well, not all Americans are ignorant of the deadly consequences of the Democrat's immigration policies, or better to say their lack of immigration policies, where in some insane fashion they think they're going to be immune to the consequences of their insanity.  This article appeared to day, Coming Soon to a Town Near You: The Aurora Illegals Invasion, saying:

Last week, armed Tren de Aragua (TDa) gang members,Illegal immigrants from Venezuela, pounded on apartment doors in Aurora, Colorado, and bullied residents. This problem may spread to communities across our nation because Democrat politicians have opened our southern border to criminal illegal aliens -- many have been flown in -- and they are going to set up residences and headquarters in many places.

Note:  This is now an international criminal gang created by Maduro for his political purposes and he lost control of them. RK

The article goes on to show the insanity of how this is being dealt with, and I gotta tell ya, this falls under the category of "you just can't make this stuff up".  In New York three out four arrested in Manhattan neighborhood are migrants, and on Monday's almost every court case is a migrant.  As for this international criminal Venezuelan gang, they're already in New York and tied to "hundreds of crimes, including the shootings of two NYPD cops who were trying to arrest a member in June."  If you like this, thank Biden, Kamala, and the criminal organization known as the Democrat party.

Remember, these enablers are the same nitwits that scream demonstrators on January 6th were insurrectionists, and have through judicial corruption abused these people's Constitutional rights.  Something that needs addressing at a criminal level if Trump is elected.  There are judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers who need to be brought to justice over this.  And I include the illegal Congressional January 6 Commission for the illegalities they perpetrated.  

While the focus right now is on the upcoming national election, Jarrett James Lash notes American's faith in local government is strong, and local government still works.  First, I think that's debatable, especially in each and every one of America's major cities, which are a disaster now, but he states something I think is worth repeating. 

"We would be better off investing more time and energy in school board and town council elections than fretting over who is on the presidential ticket."  

Well, to a large degree, I agree.  If you can capture the base of the political structure, eventually the entire structure changes.   

This whole thing about Trump at Arlington is badly backfiring on the Democrats, and it gets worse daily.  John McCain's son is outraged, outraged I tell you, claiming Trump, who was invited by the Gold Star families, was just there campaigning,  despite of the fact his dad did it.  Remarkable!  But the hits just keep right on coming, as it  turns out John McCain’s son may have violated military prohibitions against campaigning.  

Wow! Kinda like Captain Renault, I'm shocked, shocked I tell you to find corruption in the McCain family! So, if all that's being said is true, it looks like the apple didn't fall very far away from the tree. Most people seemed to forget John McCain was considered the most reprehensible of the Keating Five in the Keating Savings and Loan Scandal. More about McCain is covered here, and here's my whole John McCain file, and it's not a pretty story.  So, as for being shocked...well....actually.....I not really shocked at all.

America's universities are out of control, and need to be purged of their leadership, and then purged of all these protestors, and defunded, and laws passed to prohibit funding from foreign sources.   But there's a trend I'm seeing, which I think is going to be more pronounced as we approach November, and that's, if you’re Jewish and you vote for Democrats, you’re crazy.   

Who does Biden blame for Hamas murdering that American hostage?  Israel.  Since he can't blame covid any longer,  it must be the Jews, Christians, conservatives, Republicans, white supremacists, and Rumpelstiltskin.  Oh, wait, Rumpelstiltskin was a mythological character wasn't he?  So too is blaming others for the negative outcome of their stupid leftist policies mythological.  Blaming Jews for the vile murderous actions of Muslims, that's always been the fall back position for antisemites.    Sieg Heil!

The Pravda media just can't get it's act together.  CNN dumped Brian Stelter because CNN was going down the toilet, and it's getting worse daily as demonstrated by the fraudulent rigged interview with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz by Dana Bash.  

So, what's their solution? They brought him back as their Chief Media Analyst.  What could possibly go wrong with brilliant leadership such as that. 

I'm getting the impression the assassination attempt on Trump has given him a new lease on faith.  He now feels, and correctly so, Our Country Is ‘Missing a Lot of Religion’; ‘No Guard Rails’ Without It.  Also,  he may be taking a new tact on going after the big time political criminals, like Hillary. He made a huge mistake by not putting Hillary in jail, if he gets a second chance, he needs to take it, and he's inclined’ to release Epstein client list if reelected. Well, that should be a no brainer, as I wouldn't be surprised if many of his most virulent attackers are on that list.  

Do I detect a pattern here?   Treason and spying in the midst of the Democrat hierarchy?

Another theme playing out is how well JD Vance is being accepted by Americans, on both sides of the aisle.  After at speech in Erie that went over so well he was asked where was his teleprompter.  He responded saying,  "Ma'am, I don't need a teleprompter. I've actually got thoughts in my head, unlike Kamala Harris." He also said, and this really is resonating:  "I'm here, and I've been given this incredible opportunity, and I'm going to try to make something of it, and the way to make something of it is to actually get out there and talk to people." It's believed this trip will be something talked about for weeks in Erie.  

Finally.  For those of us who've written about the green movement we know....they lie... a lot.  Since we've had so much experience with their lies, most of us start out with the attitude everything they say is wrong, and all we have to do is develop the intellectual argument to show it. Most of what they say are either lies of commission, or lies of omission, with just enough truth to fool everyone, especially the Pravda media.... and I don' think they're fooled at all.  They're part of the corruption.  But time and truth are on the same side.  Here's another lie that's known and one they keep repeating.  Truth, facts, history, and reality are anathema to green activists.  We really do need to get that.

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