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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Positioning Kamala Harris, the California Candidate

September 5, 2024 By Robin M. Itzler 

As California native Kamala Harris continues her word salad presidential campaign, Americans in the other 49 states might wonder how someone who can’t speak without a teleprompter rose to this political level. The key word is “California,” a state so insanely blue that its super-Democrat majority legislature wants to give reparations to people who were never slaves paid by people who were never slave owners. California joined the union in 1850 as a free state!

Currently, Governor Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom has AB1840 sitting on his desk, a law that would help illegal aliens buy homes. “If Governor Newsom signs AB 1840, someone who has broken the law to illegally enter our country will be eligible to enter the lottery for a 20% downpayment loan on a home—a loan that legal California residents will pay for,” explains East Valley Republican Women Patriots (EVRWP) President Joy Miedecke, “This privilege is on top of free healthcare for illegal aliens that the California Democrats passed last year.” Serving the greater Palm Springs, California region, EVRWP is one of the largest independent Republican clubs in the United States, with more than 2,300 members.

This insanity explains how Kamala Harris went from Willie Brown’s bedroom to the political boardroom. Addressing his extramarital affair with Harris, the former and once very powerful Brown wrote in a column:

Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was [California] Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.

The result is that Harris never had to work hard for her political success because it was either given to her, compliments of her paramour Willie Brown, or she ran in elections where the Democrat would win. In deep blue California, the Democrat candidate usually wins. For Harris:

  • 2003 – elected and re-elected San Francisco district attorney.
  • 2010 – elected and re-elected California attorney general.
  • 2017 – elected junior senator.

Harris probably expected the same victory in the 2020 Democrat presidential primary. But when she had to articulate her position on issues, she was as successful as the Titanic reaching New York on its maiden voyage. Harris dropped out before Iowa without receiving even one primary vote.

As Kamala moved into the “has been” column after leaving the primary, Biden swooped her up as his vice-presidential nominee because the half-Jamaican, half-Indian checked two very important Democrat boxes: she could proudly wear a pink vagina hat and was a woman of color. (For the record, white is a color, too.)

And that’s where we are today. Harris is the incumbent from the disastrous Biden-Harris administration.

Harris must now speak coherently about her failures as Border Czar, having allowed 10+ million illegals to enter the United States; rampant crime, including the new “migrant crime” category; record-breaking inflation that is destroying the middle-class; multiple global conflicts; lawfare against political opponents; and a pro-LGBT+ alphabet agenda that allows men to compete in female sports, just to name a few Harris-Biden disasters.

Cackling aside, astute political observers know her revised “moderate” positions have a November 5, 2024, expiration date.

Moreover, Kamala held her first interview on August 29, more than 40 days after the palace coup that pushed Joe Biden out of the campaign. Besides the usual word salads where she insisted that her values hadn’t changed, optics-wise, it looked like a parents-teacher night at a grade school.

In the edited and packaged interview, “student” Harris sat on one of the small “first-grade chairs” behind the “student desk” while her “father” Tim Walz met with “teacher” CNN’s Dana Bash. CNN only showed 18 of the 41 minutes of the highly anticipated taped interview, which leads many to believe most of it was a dumpster fire.

While conservatives mocked the CNN interview, Sally Zelikovsky, founder of 75M & Rising and a regular American Thinker contributor, stressed considering how the interview was viewed outside the MAGA bubble. Writing in “The Long-Awaited Interview with Kamala“ she states:

Understand: The Party of Asses doesn’t want Trump to campaign on anything but silly, stupid, insipid, nonsensical, word salad, commie Kamala. But, as we saw in the interview, THAT Kamala will not be making much of an appearance between now and Election Day 2024. We should not be duped into or distracted by that temptation, especially when we have the facts of the last four years on our side.

Partnering with the leftist mainstream media (MSM), Kamala Harris and Tim Walz (governor of Minnesota-Somalia) are supposedly polling very close to Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. Really? Consider the facts and learn some Yiddish along the way:

  • Democrats are hanging black tents in venues at Harris rallies to hide empty seats because Kamala Harris is a shmendrik (jerk).
  • Democrats are paying people to attend Harris rallies, or they bus them in. We wonder what other tchotchkes (small gifts) they offer attendees.
  • Democrats are not allowing Harris to talk much outside of scripted speeches because she has bupkis (nothing) to say.
  • The only way Harris could get viewership for her convention speech was by spreading rumors that there would be a special guest. Beyonce? Taylor Swift? There was no special guest. They did this because few people wanted to listen to Harris’ Marxist spiel (long speech).
  • Harris is afraid to debate Trump. She tried to change the debate rules after they were agreed to, which makes her a putz (someone who acts like a jerk).
  • Several state attorney generals are investigating the Harris campaign raising money through possible ActBlue money-laundering schemes. This is a shande (embarrassment), but nothing embarrasses Marxists.
  • Lacking original thought, Harris continually steals Trump’s policy ideas, such as not taxing tips or building the border wall. This makes Kamala Harris a goniff (swindler, cheat, or just plain dishonest).
  • The Harris campaign has an ad where she extolls the benefits of Trump’s border wall. Kamala Harris is a tuchas-hole (a**hole).
  • Harris is now for everything she was once against and against everything she was once for—with a complying MSM. Harris, Walz, and their supporters are meshugana (crazy).

Harris and Walz are fraudulently campaigning as moderates in their quest to make America into the United States of California. When she debates Donald Trump on September 10, that might be the first time Harris is forced to defend her past views and ever-changing current positions. Positions that started in Willie Brown’s bedroom.

Robin M. Itzler is a regular contributor to American Thinker. She is the founder and editor of Patriot Neighbors, a free weekly national newsletter. Robin can be reached at

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