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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, June 8, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum (Everything is to be questioned)

 This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich

Quote of the Day We now live in a Bizarro World, where up is down, black is white, boys are girls, and right is wrong. Words are violence, violence is mostly peaceful protesting, silence is complicity, and you are the problem for noticing how wrong it all is.  - Pete McArdle

This week I'm seeing more efforts to put boots on the ground from European nations in Ukraine, and that's including NATO.  Now if the Europeans feel the need to jump into that war, then I say good for them. They created this mess, let them fix it.  Putin is threatening to launch nuclear attacks at....well....everyone, and now Europe is allegedly getting ready to counter strike if that happens.  But the key for America is NATO.  


Because that will put America boots on the ground, and once that starts, the arguments against funding and use of military hardware will be pretty much over.   The biggest benefit Putin has is population, which is far greater than exists in Ukraine, and it's not going to be much longer before Ukraine will not have sufficient manpower to resist.  They need boots on the ground if they're to survive, and a lot of prominent America writers and geopolitical analysts are laying the philosophical and historical groundwork to justify it. 

There's two problems with that.  Their philosophy is wrong, and their history is wrong.  

Entirely too many are trying to make this about Isolationism, using WWII as an example, claiming WWII was a direct result of American isolationist thinking.   It wasn't.    Isolationists didn't cause WWII.  Woodrow Wilson caused WWII by injecting America in that meat grinder of WWI.  A meat grinder we had no business in.   This geopolitical doctrine known as Wilsonianism has been an intellectual and philosophical infection for America ever since, making America responsible for fixing all the world's ills. 

America entering the war changed the demographics, and even the German high command knew they were lost then.   Europe was running out of young bodies to throw against cannons and machine guns, on both sides.  If America hadn't entered the war it would have ended in a stalemate, and for three reasons.  No manpower, no money, and what they were calling anarchists (socialists) were revolting everywhere in Europe.  Not just Russia where they succeeded.  Just to maintain their societies they would have had to put an end to that blood bath, and it would have taken years to rebuild.... they were all broke..... and America would have become the great economic engine in 1919 instead of 1945.   Would that have stopped Japan? No, that was inevitable, but it wouldn't have become WWII.

As it were, America's entry gave the allies massive control over the terms of the armistice, and those terms laid the ground work for WWII, not isolationist arguments.  Many warned the terms of that armistice was creating a potential for more problems in the future.  But as usual, the French were then, as they are now, totally self serving, arrogant, untrustworthy, and demanded highly restrictive and punitive terms, and got them.  Not that Germany didn't deserve them, but the fact is, none of that would have happened if America hadn't entered the war.  

Any effort to compare any WWII isolationist issues with another European mess they're trying to drag us into, the Russo/Ukraine War, is a failure in history, facts, and logic.   America has spent trillions of dollars, and thousand of gallons of American blood supporting Europe, and after all that, Europe is still a mess. and an ungrateful and disrespectful one at that.  
These European powers are now and have always been selfish, self-serving, backstabbers, and it's time they saved themselves or not, and it's time we took our marbles and went home.  
Europe is doomed, economically, morally, philosophically, and most importantly, demographically.   Everything going on with the EU is in effect functional suicide.  America has little in common with Europe.  Except in one area.  We also have a lot of stupid, arrogant, self serving, and corrupt leaders who are trying to make America as functionally suicidal as Europe.

We can only hope.   America has spent trillions of dollars, and thousand of gallons of American blood supporting Europe for the last 100 years, and in spite of all that, Europe is still a mess, and an ungrateful and disrespectful one at that.  
June 6th as D-Day, and not only has D-Day hardly been remembered, it's being remembered and propagandized, for the wrong reasons.    These European powers are now and have always been selfish, self-serving, backstabbers, and it 's time they saved themselves, or not, and it's time we took our marbles and went home.   
There are a number of things that eat up a lot of verbiage, and global warming is one of them.  
I published the complete list of things caused by global warming.  The original web site no longer exists, so I hope to preserve it for reference.  
Lawfare and the destruction of America's justice system by the left will probably be the most talked about issue until the election, and it's backfiring on the Democrats.  I will be running a series of articles on this corruption of the rule of law, aka, Manhattan Justice. 

The 2024 election is pivotal, but not just in America.  We're seeing a lot of pushback against these elite globalists who want everyone to eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy about it... or else.   People are thinking maybe the "or else" should start with them, and kick them out of office, and start attacking the institutions they infest. 

Today's issue has four commentaries by me, twenty by other authors, and three permanent links. 
My Commentaries
  1. It’s Time to Make a Strategic PR Pivot in Dealing with the Climate Change IssueBy John Droz, Jr.
  2. The View from Mount Olympus By Daniel Greenfield
  3. Democrats Panic Over Jewish VotersBy Daniel Greenfield
  4. Can Our Politics Get Better, If Our Culture Keeps Getting Worse?By Daniel Greenfield
  5. Biden's Deal for Israel “Nearly Identical to Hamas’s Own Proposals”By Daniel Greenfield
  6.  Just a Little Humor To Get Us Through Another Week of Joe Biden. By Robin Itzler
  7. Kaiser to Fired Doctors: Please come back!By Robin Itzler
  8. Are We Now a Socialist Nation?By Robin Itzler
  9. The Debate Will Have Commercials  By Robin Itzler
  10. Is America Now a Banana Republic? By Robin Itzler
  11. The Record Is Not Good For Perpetrators Of Politicized Criminal Proceedings By Francis Menton
  12. Getting Ready For The European Elections By Francis Menton
  13. Gavin Newsom: Job Killer By Dan Mitchell
  14. Lower-Income and Middle-Class Households Benefit from Smaller Government By Dan Mitchell
  15. The IMF’s Destructive Advice for Germany By Dan Mitchell
  16. A Primer on Marginal Tax Rates, Part IV: The Combined Burden of Levies on Income, Payroll, and Consumption By Dan Mitchell
  17. Great Moments in Canadian Government By Dan Mitchell
  18. A Value-Added Tax to Reduce the Deficit? – Swamponomics By Andrew Moran
  19. Yearning For the Good Old COVID Years By Rob Pue
  20. New Yale President Checks All the Boxes for Ivy League Wokeness By Joe Schaeffer

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor 

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