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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Post Verdict: Trump campaign raised $300M in May

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

 In the 24 hours immediately following the kangaroo court’s guilty verdict, the Trump campaign received nearly $53 MILLION in donations. About one-third of the donations were from people who had never donated to Trump.

In the three days immediately following the communist-like trial, the Trump campaign received $200 MILLION in donations. Democrats, Republicans and Independents are greatly concerned about what happened and do NOT want Joe Biden re-installed in the White House. Throughout the weekend, there were rallies held across the United States.

For the month of May, the Trump campaign received $300 MILLION in donations.

Do you know what did NOT happen following the nonsensical verdict? Riots did not happen.  

Unlike Democrats and their Marxist/Antifa supporters, Trump supporters did not loot, burn, attack or kill. Instead, there were PEACEFUL pro-Trump rallies held throughout the United States. (Pictured Huntington Beach, California.) Here are some post-verdict comments.

  • Rev. Franklin Graham – May 31 Letter to President Trump “I just wanted to write you today and thank you for your courage and for not giving up and throwing in the towel. So much of America is shocked with this outcome, and deeply concerned about the implications for our nation. I encourage you to ask God for His help and put your trust in Him. King David said in Psalm 23: “Yee, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, For you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil …” My prayers are with you, Melania, your children, and the entire family. I stand with you, Mr. President. May God guide and direct your every step.”
  • Mitt Romney – Utah Senator; interview “Bragg should have settled the case against Trump, as would have been the normal procedure. But he made a political decision. Bragg may have won the battle, for now, but he may have lost the political war. Democrats think they can put out the Trump fire with oxygen. It's political malpractice."
  • Matt Walsh – Daily Wire columnist; article “I don’t want to hear elected Republicans complaining. I don’t need to see their tweets and statements condemning the verdict. The only thing I want to hear from these people is which Democrats they will have arrested. Don’t tell us that you’re sad about the verdict. We don’t give a shit about your feelings. We want to see corrupt Democrats frog marched on camera in handcuffs. If you won’t do that, then shut up.”
  • Douglas Schoen – Democrat pollster; excerpt from “Despite Trump’s Conviction, This Election is All About the Issues” “Quite simply, despite Democrats’ efforts to demonize Trump, and regardless of the outsized media attention on the conviction, polls have consistently shown that what voters are actually concerned about is the economy and inflation, followed by immigration.”
  • Lindsey Graham – South Carolina Senator; tweet “The New York case is truly election interference. This spectacle put on by Manhattan’s liberal DA, Alvin Bragg, is dangerous to the rule of law and the future of the presidency. It will do enormous damage to how the law is used in politics.”
  • Jim Richards — excerpt from “American Lawfare in New York: Shameful Verdict” - Richard’s Strategic Intelligence “One wildcard is the sentence to be imposed by Judge Merchan. Some legal analysts assume Merchan will not put Trump in jail or will not limit his ability to campaign. I disagree. Judge Merchan has besmirched himself and the New York judicial system by his biased rulings against Trump and his unconstitutional jury instructions that practically dictated a guilty verdict. Merchan doesn’t care about being reversed on appeal, he just wants to hurt Trump here and now. Why let up? He might put Trump in jail or, if not, at least put him under a supervised house arrest which will prevent Trump from campaigning, holding rallies, attending the debates or joining the convention.
  •  Boris Johnson—former Great Britain Prime Minister; excerpt from op-ed: “This was a machine-gun mob-style hit job on Trump. It was nakedly political - and will make his victory more likely, not less.”
  • I.Q. a-Rassooli (an Iraqi exile writing from Europe) writes extensively about how the Koran is a roadmap to total war with Western civilization; excerpt from “America Day of Infamy: May 30, 2024: “Make no mistake about it. The frightening reality is that if the power that be can trample the civil and constitutional rights of American citizen Donald J. Trump, the 45th U.S. president, then no American citizen is safe from such a corrupt administration.”

What do these countries (listed in alphabetical order) have in common? There could be more on this list, but we are just sharing a few:

 Bolivia, Cambodia, Georgia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine,  United States,  and Venezuela.

 The heads of all those nations (and it’s not a full list) have arrested opposition leaders. Thanks to Joe Biden, the United States of America is now among tyrannical nations/banana republics where the leader tries to put their opposition behind bars. May 30 is a very sad day for our country. It means that America has “crossed the Rubicon.” 

It won’t matter. Trump will win this election in a landslide. The only losers are Judge Merchan, the State of New York, and the American people. The world is laughing at the Banana Republic U.S. today. Let’s hope a Trump victory in November restores some of our national pride and standing in the world. 

Polls … when they say what you want, you post them on social media. When the results go the other way, you ignore them. Are they predicting the future or are just a snapshot in time.  Marxist Democrats were thrilled to shout, “Guilty!” following the communist-like trial. Republicans were disappointed and screamed, “Injustice!"

On the DEMOCRAT side, Joey and all his socialist Marxist pals are very worried about key constituencies moving to Trump. David Hillinard, one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party, went live on TikTok last week to announce his support for President Trump.

On the REPUBLICAN side, it’s good that Democrats are forced to confirm Joe Biden’s nomination before the August DNC convention. They will conduct a roll call by Zoom in order to meet the Ohio deadline. Donald Trump is better poised for a historic win if he is running against Joe “Big Guy” Biden. Once the nomination is official, Republicans should send congratulatory boxes of Depends to the White House.

Some say America’s Second Civil War started when Barack Obama was elected in 2008. Read “Barack Obama is the Real Felon” by Susan Daniels.

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