Since I had six
hours sleep today I'm behind in my searches and I have other stuff I
"must" do today - I really do have a job that interferes with my
life. So I thought I would just post a little note some may find worth reading.
I would like to
discuss my word for the day - fatuous - that being complacently or inanely
Being a newsie I
read more than ever, but I'm reading less books. That disturbs me. I find it
impossible to truly understand an issue without the expanded understanding
books present. However, even those who never read books can get foundational
understanding regarding the rightness or wrongness of what's going on in the
world by merely staying up on the news online. Blogs present the news in
clearer perspective than traditional information deliverers.
Last night the
local newspaper called and asked if I would take a subscription at a bargain rate. I said no - I'm not
interested in the local stuff - which is only partially true. They used to have
an editorial page that would promote liberals like Ellen Goodman on one side
and conservatives like George Will - and even those even more conservative than
Will on the other, and I considered that to be what newspapers should be all about. The editor responsible for that received an offer
to do sports for a larger paper – he took the job - and it all changed. They became
another newspaper I didn't need to waste my time on and I cancelled my
subscription. That was over 25 years
ago, and nothing has changed. I buy
newspapers to do the crossword puzzle while eating breakfast at a
I find news deliverers to be fatuous – complacent and
foolish, and I might add – dangerous - because
they’re unwilling to row against the tide by pointing out just how dangerous
leftist policies are to a stable society.
And the larger they are the more fatuous they become.
Name one leftist country that was successful! Sweden for a long time was the one country
leftists touted as such. That was before
they totally embraced the leftist insanity of multiculturalism. Now Sweden is a mess! They promote irrational paradigms on every
domestic issue the nation faces, including race, immigration, social services
and defense. On foreign affairs they’re
almost insane in their views, promoting positions that will literally destroy
western civilization – all the while unendingly praising themselves for the
deep self righteous insights they possess versus the shallow understanding of the self serving,
selfish masses and those blockhead conservatives. If the internet hadn’t come into existence there
would be no counterpoint to destroy the lack of historical support for their
irrational views or a correct understanding of events.
Facts and reality are antithetical to the left. We need to get that! And history keeps pointing proving it! Leftism’s entire existence is devoted to the
destruction of western civilization and the Judaic/Christian principles that
are foundational to the western world.
They work unendingly to destroy the only stable moral foundation the
world has ever known, and the success those values created.
Could there be a more clear understanding of fatuous?
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