As reported last week, Planned Parenthood’s lobbying efforts against the vote to deny them federal funds was assisted by Hamilton College, which hosted “performance artist” Rhodessa Jones, along with about a dozen representatives from the local Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson, to give students a Planned Parenthood-positive message.
The college continued the push by participating in the
nationwide “Pink Out” day on
September 29. In a campus-wide email Hamilton students were asked to “show
appreciation for Planned Parenthood by wearing pink.” They were invited to stop
by a booth to have their pictures taken holding messages of support. These are
posted on Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson’s Facebook page here. The event
was organized by the Womyn’s Center at the Days-Massolo Center, whose official
advisor is women’s studies professor Vivyan Adair.
Hamilton College was one of many campuses
participating in the event, which was also sponsored by, the ACLU,
CREDO Action, People for the American Way, National Latina Institute for
Reproductive Health, National Council of Jewish Women, Religious Coalition for
Reproductive Choice, and Alliance for Justice. Planned Parenthood offered free
screening for sexually transmitted diseases in 28 cities to take attention
off abortion.
The email sent to Hamilton students claimed “Planned
Parenthood provides necessary health care for millions of people across this
country.” At the two presentations by Rhodessa Jones, no mention was made about
the undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood executives haggling over
prices for fetal body parts (body parts were also shown being handled callously
by technicians).
The claim of “necessary health care” is false.
According to the just-released Capital Research Center report, “Planned
Parenthood Under Fire,” by Jeanne Mancini, Planned Parenthood “isn’t a
benevolent healthcare provider.” Even the Washington Post “called its
bluff” on the claim that abortions represent only 3 percent of the services
provided. “In reality, it is estimated that Planned Parenthood makes $150
million a year performing abortions,” writes Mancini. Abortions make up 94
percent of services provided to pregnant women. Data from the nonprofit group,
Democrats for Life, showed that Community Health Centers are more accessible
and provide more services for women's health needs.
This is not the kind of information that Hamilton
students received. The professors who sponsored the visit by Planned Parenthood
and Rhodessa Jones avoided any mention of alternative views.
Abortion Advocacy 101: Abortion advocacy is one of
many leftist causes that Hamilton College presents as settled academic opinion,
thanks to efforts of professors like Nancy Rabinowitz who teaches Comparative
Literature and began inviting Planned Parenthood-promoter Rhodessa Jones for
recurring gigs as far back as 2004.
Rabinowitz’s collaboration with Planned Parenthood
goes back even farther, to her tenure as president of the college’s former
Kirkland Project, when Rabinowitz coordinated student internships at Planned
Parenthood. The Kirkland Project was initially funded by the Kirkland
Endowment, which consisted of contributions from sympathetic individuals and
leftover funds from Kirkland College, the former women’s college that merged
with Hamilton men’s college in 1978. The Spring
2000 newsletter announced that student Service Associateships were
available for students “proposing summer work at an institution dedicated to
working toward social justice”; it listed Planned Parenthood and the Hetrick
Martin Institute, an LGBT youth organization, as places where students had
recently interned. Students received $3,000
stipends from the Kirkland Project for their “volunteer” work at Planned
Rabinowitz and the Kirkland Project: Rabinowitz was
forced to resign as president of the Kirkland Project in 2005 after she had
invited as speaker Ethnic Studies professor Ward Churchill, who had called
victims of 9/11 “little Eichmanns,” after Adolph Eichmann, one of the major
organizers of the Nazi Holocaust. She had invited Susan Rosenberg, convicted
felon in the 1981 Brinks Armored Car Robbery, to teach as an “artist/activist-in-residence,”
beginning with a course in 2004 called “Resistance Memoirs.” Rabinowitz was
quoted as saying, “We are trying to train [students] to be critical thinkers
and to respond intelligently to what they hear. I think the students should
hear [Ward Churchill’s] whole argument before they boil it down to a few sound
bites.” She then claimed that she was resigning because the media reaction had
been “destructive.”
Ward Churchill was fired from the University of Colorado Boulder for plagiarism
in 2007. Susan Rosenberg’s 58-year prison term on weapons and explosives
charges was commuted after 16 years by President Bill Clinton. Since her
release she has worked as a prisoners’ rights activist and college lecturer.
The Medea Project: In Service to Planned Parenthood
and Abortion: After Rabinowitz’s resignation, the Kirkland Project was renamed
the Diversity and Social Justice Project. Rabinowitz, however, chaired the
Kirkland Endowment Advisory Committee from 2007 to 2010. She currently serves
on the Committee on Academic Policy.
Although Rabinowitz said she had learned about Jones’s
work, the Medea Project: Theater for Incarcerated Women, while teaching Medea,
there was no discussion about the tragedy by Euripides or about literary,
historical, or dramatic topics. For the last several years, the Medea Project,
a program of Jones's and her partner’s performance company, Idris Ackamoor and
Cultural Odyssey, has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Jones’s work is evidence that the NEA is still being used to advance political
causes, as a recent NEA post, “The
Medea Project: Where Art and Social Activism Meet,” shows. The theater
company also receives funds from the San Francisco
Arts Commission and the California Arts Council, as well as several
prison lookoutThe film shown on
September 17, Birthright, was produced by Cultural Odyssey, in
collaboration with Planned Parenthood Northern California. The film clips
showed amateurish writing and acting. For example, it was not clear why women
seated on fold-out chairs were pulling their hair or jerking their heads, in
depictions of madness. We learned later during the discussion that the scene
was supposed to represent a Planned Parenthood waiting room. Presumably, women
were relieved of their distress after they had received services. One woman did
a monologue about women’s oppression, and others discussed their abortions and
getting HIV diagnoses. All were testimonials to Planned Parenthood.
Jones’s agenda already became clear at the beginning
of her first presentation on September 15. Rabinowitz introduced her as “no
stranger to Hamilton” and cited her awards from various organizations,
including one from the mayor of San Francisco, where she is based. Although she
jaunts from campus to campus, Jones does not appear to have any academic
credentials. She has been invited to work in prisons here and in Russia and South
The first day Jones spent more than an hour
performing, reciting, questioning, yelling, and rambling on about diversity,
abortion, the Hamilton College campus police, the upcoming Black Lives Matter
event, and slavery, as well giving dramatic recitations of “spoken word” poetry
and showing clips from her earlier film, Open the Gate.
That film showed women in orange prison garb
reenacting their horrific experiences. One felt that these were amateur therapy
sessions, about “getting real,” as Jones put it, and best left to
professionals. There was a lot of screaming and crying, with Jones yelling at
the prisoners, “Things are happening to you!” There were some horror stories to
be sure: one woman tearfully described how she was raped, while other female
prisoners reenacted the gruesome scene on the floor. In the film, Jones
enlightens the women, telling them that men run the world and that women need
to take back their power. This is where Planned Parenthood fits in, presumably.
Rhodessa Jones's Credentials? But Jones does not seem
to have any counseling credentials either. “I come into jails as an artist . .
. as a sister,” she explained. She was inspired to begin working in jails by
one of her eight brothers who was imprisoned in Attica during the 1971 riots
when, as she said, “it was taken over by the Rockefeller goons.” She gave few
details about her brother’s crimes other than to say that he was good-looking
and “incorrigible,” but had robbed an “important” person. He was sent to a
chain gang in the South at the age of 16, and afterward had difficulty staying
out of prison. He died at the age of 50 after he was beaten up by 16- and 17
year-olds over a pot deal.
"Aerobic exercise - public
demonstration01" by myself - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via
Commons Jones’s work began in 1989 when she was asked to teach aerobics. But she
did not get a good response from inmates, who skeptically asked, “Who is this
“I said, ‘spell “bitch,”’” Jones said to laughter.
Seeing that they had no interest in aerobics, she told the inmates her own
story, about becoming a mother at the age of 16. The women suspected she might
be a police officer because she was telling them her “business.”
Her presentation jumped from topic to topic, interspersed
with Planned Parenthood promotions. To all those who presumably have a problem
with the latest videos showing Planned Parenthood employees bartering body
parts, she said, “I say just trust women. We need to know we’re trusted.”
Spoken Word about Slavery: Jones recited a poem about
a “girl-child” kidnapped by “white slavers,” then raped by sailors, and thrown
into the bottom of a slave ship. Very dramatically she said, “I see the white
islanders chasing the birds.” Sailors were “destroying the African girl-child
with fists and semen.” She screamed, “We are thrown down into the dark hole
covered with semen.” Shouting “freedom,” she described a dream about flying
back to Africa. (The events are historically inaccurate because overwhelmingly
it was Africans who captured and enslaved other Africans and then sold them to
the white slave traders.) Perhaps attuned to the fact that many in her audience
were blonde, she added a vision of multicultural redemption, “blonde-haired
children singing songs of a new world.” She interspersed her performance with
references to “the Irish, the Jewish, the Mexicans,” etc.
"100 Pigeons" by Augustus Binu/ facebook - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via
CommonsStudents Cooing Like Pigeons: Jones also recited a poem about the
homeless, drug addicts, and “we who have been in a maximum security prison.” It
was a litany of misery (“f.....g in an HIV sweat”). The recitations about
street life were interspersed with the refrain, “We will eat you.” I was
surprised to hear the students readily follow her instructions to coo on cue
like pigeons as she recited certain lines. It was a depressingly surreal
Jones also described her encounter with campus police
that day when she was standing outside a building waiting for someone to pick
her up. One of the officers slowed down the car and looked at her. She made a
face to show how she stared back at him tauntingly, inviting knowing laughter
from the students. Jones encouraged students to attend the lecture later in the
week by one of the Black Lives Matter founders and gave a plug for the (historically
inaccurate) movie Selma. She told them that there are children ages
12 and 13 who are in lock-down.
Encouraging Courageous Activism: The session was
clearly intended to give students a glimpse into the underbelly of life, arouse
their pity, and get them to be activists. In fact, she asked how many of them
wanted to be activists. A good number raised their hands. She bragged about
student activists she has worked with: a girl who disappeared in Syria 18
months ago and one who adopted an African baby orphaned by HIV.
She then asked students the questions she said she
uses in her prison workshops. Questions ranged from name and age, to “hidden
talents” and whether “you write,” “who did you leave home with?” and “what were
you told by your parents?” The last was the one she asked students. Some
responded with typical bits of parental advice about avoiding drugs and
studying hard. She discussed the added burdens of “black, brown, red, and
yellow parents.” More questions came, such as “did you escape death?” and “what
would you do if you could turn back time?” One student said she would have
“come out” in high school. One young woman holding her two-month-old baby said
she would have finished school before getting pregnant. Jones repeated that she
would not have had a child at 16. Her father had advised her that the Lord
would provide, but she thought of how much better her life would have been had
she aborted her now 50-year-old daughter. It was clear that students should
learn from her mistake and exercise that choice.
Before she ended, Jones stated, “These are things that
make up the mythology of our existence.”
The entire exercise was an emotionally manipulative
promotion of abortion by the mother of a 50-year-old woman as a two-month-old
baby was cradled in his mother’s arms. It had nothing to do with higher
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