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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dear readers,

The top ten countries to log on to Paradigms and Demographics for February were -United States,  Germany,  France,  Russia,  Bulgaria,  United Kingdom,  Canada,  Ukraine,  Ireland and Spain.  Romania made the top ten for this week, and today China made the top ten.   As for the "all time" top ten countries, it falls this way - United States,  Germany,  Russia, France, United Kingdom , Canada,  Bulgaria,  Ukraine,  Australia and the Netherlands.

I have no absolute explanation for why what countries become interested, but one thing I can be sure of; much of it has to do with alternative energy.  For a long time Japan was in the top ten quite a few weeks, and I am convinced it involved solar energy posts.  Bulgarians became regular readers after I linked a large number of articles dealing with fracking.  Germans have been consistent readers, but I believe that alternative energy is a major concern for them also.   The number one and number two posts that are hit are The Sun is Undergoing a State Change and  Observations From the Back Row: 9-1-11.  One dealing with global warming and the other energy production, which is part and parcel of the same package.

As for France, Russia and the others, I'm not sure what was the driving interest; except to say that these readers started hitting this blog after I started posting articles, along with my comments dealing with issues involving Islam, the economics and politics of China, the E.U, etc.  My U.S., Canadian and U.K. readers were high in the numbers when this was an anti-green only blog.  The U.S. numbers keep growing per ratio as I changed from a ‘green only’ blog to a ‘pro-humanity’ blog, which by definition means being anti-green and anti-left.   So I have to believe I have picked up readers who have more than green issues in view.  Canada and the U.K. and Australia are back and forth now, so I’m not sure what is moving that audience, but I publish what interests me, and those issues I think needs “My Take”. 

My friend Dr. Jay Lehr, who is science director with the Heartland Institute wrote to me recently regarding my article, If It Turns Green It Isn’t Gold  saying  “you are an incisive writer who is able to put the pieces together for anyone to fully understand without having their eyes glaze over.  Congratulations, I will be printing that piece out for my file and quote it at many of my lectures.”  Needless to say, I'm flattered.  I know there are at least two science writers who are regular readers, one of which I think is in opposition to my views. 

Paradigms and Demographics isn't about winning arguments.  It is about finding the facts and following them no matter where they lead.  Far too many writers, especially blogsters, are all ego and ideology.  I have two criteria for determining what is right.  Everything we are told has an historical foundation and everything we are told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality.  If what we're being told fails in either of these categories then it is wrong.  Then we merely have to find out why. 

No matter the reason I wish to thank you all for your interest.

Best wishes,
Rich Kozlovich

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