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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs

UK Government Police Keeps Identity of “Gay” ISIS Jihadi Secret to “Protect His Human Rights” - Let’s put this in perspective. The UK government banned me because I oppose jihad terror and speak against it. Juxtapose this with the British government keeping the identity of a “gay” ISIS jihadi secret to protect his human rights.  How does a savage have “human rights”? The West is descending into madness.  Officers and the Crown Prosecution Service were concerned that should details surrounding Aseel Muthana emerge during a trial of his friends who helped him join Isil it would put his life at risk.  The sexual preference of a.......

Jewish Airbnb guest refused by British host - Increasingly, the United Kingdom behaves more like a Muslim country or pre-Nazi Germany.  Israeli Airbnb guest refused by British host because of citizenship Airbnb posted a reply saying it would investigate the matter. Another Facebook user commented on Kelmer' post, saying, Appalling and sadly, happens too often.  An Israeli man said a British Airbnb host refused to rent an apartment to him because, the host said, Israelis don't respect 'basic human rights.' Ben Kelmer, a Tel Aviv photographer, reserved a London apartment for a week in March through the online company, which has come under fire recently for listing properties in West Bank settlements. In some cases, the........

OHIO BLOODBATH: Muslim Muhammad Barry Named MACHETE ATTACKER HACKING PEOPLE in Nazareth Restaurant - Toppled chairs, bloody towels now in the Nazareth restaurant after machete attack. 4 people hurt.  “There’s blood all over inside the restaurant,” Steven Bass, Karen’s husband, told WSYX.  Patrons called it a “bloodbath.” READ MORE HERE.
Knife jihad in America. Imams across the world and devout Islamic military groups exhort the faithful to wage jihad with knives.  Police shot and killed the jihadi who stormed into a central Ohio restaurant wielding a machete and began hacking people as they sat unsuspectingly at their dinner tables, after inquiring where the owner was from. The owner is an outspoken Christian rom Israel. Inside the restaurant, guests are greeted by a small Israeli flag.......

Israel: 14-year-old Muslim girls shouting “Allah” stab security guard - The constant incitement to stab Jews on Hamas TV and Palestinian Authority TV continues to bear poison fruit. Watch for Obama to ramp up the pressure on…Israel. “14-year-old Ramle stabbers wanted to be ‘martyrs,’ kill Jews,” by Shlomo Piotrokovsky, Israel National News, February 11, 2016:  An indictment was filed Thursday against the two 14-year-old Arab girls who stabbed and lightly wounded a security guard in Ramle in an attack exactly one week ago.   The Central District Prosecutor’s Office charged the pair with attempted murder, conspiracy to commit a crime, and possession of a knife.  According to the indictment, about a month before the Ramle stabbing the two decided to become “martyrs” and...

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