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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Why all identical twins are not identically obese


Identical twins share a lot of things: Genetic code, physical traits (obviously, since they are defined by genetics), taste in fashion, and so on.......One of the things that isn’t shared between identical twins is obesity; one twin of an identical pair may be considerably more obese than another. If genetics guide our eating behavior, food preferences, and metabolism, why wouldn’t twins categorically have similar body weights?.......One of the main mechanisms for identical twins not having identical weights appears to be differences in the switching on and off of genes. While genetics are never necessarily a destiny, they do give a good indication of milestones along one’s life journey. There are two parts that are not predetermined: How we choose to live with our genes, and epigenetic effects......

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