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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Canadian Arabic Newspaper Calls on Palestinians to Launch Attacks, Destroy Israel

By Jonathan D. Halevi
Khalifeh is known of his open support of the Palestinian armed struggle against Israel. He published a poem spurring the Palestinians to launch armed attacks on Israelis, liberate Palestine and destroy the State of Israel. The Israelis, namely the Israeli Jews, are portrayed is Khalifeh’s poem as “infidels” and “morally corrupt people.”
Khalifeh recorded himself reading the poem and embedded the audio file in a video clip featuring armed operatives of the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas firing rockets from Gaza aimed at Israel and training to launch attacks on Israeli targets.
In his editorial, Khalifeh hails the Palestinian youths who go armed with knives in a mission to stab Israeli Jews. Khalifeh explains that by carrying out the stabbing attacks the Palestinian youths fulfil the “sacred duty of jihad” and defend the “honour and dignity” of all Arabs, all Muslims and, in fact, all mankind.
The following is the transcript of Khalifeh’s poem “Gaza” (originally in Arabic), which appears on Khalifeh’s official YouTube channel:......

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