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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 29, 2014

Unsettling climate

Paul Taylor, LA Ecopolitics Examiner September 28, 2014

People's Climate March
This week New York City, and several other international venues, are cleaning up the trash left by the “People’s Climate March” protests. The march was intended to amplify climate issues ahead of United Nations policy planning and next-years Paris attempts to get global government climate control agreements. Global warming campaigners gathered by the thousands in mob grievance to once again convince the U.N., and the world, that climate change is an existential threat, and that climate should be the top priority for government action – taking priority over economic prosperity and global terrorism according to some prominent progressives.

 Predictably, this ritual of partisan-progressive public protests included only diversities in appearance of communist, Islamic, socialist and radical elites for media demonstrations and tactical local disruptive insurgents in the “war on carbon.” Sadly, the war on carbon is ultimately a “war on prosperity.”  Climate celebrity warmists, debate deniers in progressive government agencies and the thousands of nonprofit and global NGO eco-propagandists are biased by incomplete 20th -century atmospheric science, partisan impulses and pop-cultural demands for a pubic “green identity.”... Read more

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