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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A plea for constitutional literacy on Constitution Day

Ben Carson: 'Government was never intended to intrude on every aspect of our lives'

Earlier this summer, I managed to perplex, perhaps even offend, a famous TV interviewer when I declared I want a federal government that follows the U.S. Constitution. Seemingly aghast, the interviewer went so far as to suggest my position was a “highly charged thing to say.”

Imagine that. A journalist – who, owing to the Constitution, has the right to report and speak freely – being uncomfortable with a fellow American’s allegiance to the Constitution and to the Founding Fathers’ vision of a limited central government. I fear we as a nation have drifted too far away from an understanding and appreciation of the greatest governance document the world has ever produced. We have a president today who usurps power never given to him in the Constitution, a dysfunctional Congress so gridlocked that it can’t fulfill its mission as a separate-but-equal branch of government, and a Fourth Estate of media elites who cheerlead for a bigger, more intrusive government that unnecessarily addicts those struggling to escape poverty to handouts, rather than encouraging self-reliance……To Read More…..

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