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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Trump Sentencing Delayed But.....

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK 

Originally scheduled for July 11, but then delayed to September 18 following the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity, Judge Merchan now changed the sentencing to November 26. 

Marxist-Democrats are disappointed. They had wanted to shout, “Trump is a convicted felon!”  Did Marxist-Democrats want to brew a civil war-like situation so they could declare martial law and start arresting people?

We had reached out to various authors and columnists for their view on the situation and what Patriots should do/not do, had Trump been sentenced to prison on September 18 for a “bookkeeping error” that no other politician has ever received prison time for. Last in a series.

W. H. (Bill) Lamb Commentary Writer and Columnist The Times Examiner—South Carolina

We know the Supreme's have ruled that Donald Trump is protected from PERSECUTION for "most" events that occurred while he was POTUS. Assuming that there has been NO appeal filed YET, IF Trump is sentenced to immediate prison time (which is possible but doubtful even for that loon judge), I assume that Trump's legal team will immediately appeal. 

Whether some judge can rule an immediate stay of the imprisonment order  is something I don't know. Will the Demoncrats be satisfied just calling Trump a "convicted felon"? They're already doing that after the original trial's verdict. My guess is that there will be lots of protesting leftist vermin around the courthouse, if for no other reason than to get lots of publicity on TV and in the left-wing MSM. That could be their goal.

Without any doubt the Marxists/Demoncrats are itching to start a Civil War of sorts, or at least some really major rioting and destruction to instill fear into the half of Americans that are uninformed and are of the "cringing to get along" crowd.  Martial law for an "indefinite period of time" would be something that these leftist/Marxist devils would love to impose on Americans. Sort of like the "Covid-19: abuses but much more harsh.

However, many "conservatives", Republicans, RINO's, Neo-Cons, semi-informed people, etc. also are agitating for a civil war --a violent one, against the forces of Satanic Marxism/socialism/progressivism that have pretty much taken control of our nation. I am adamantly opposed  to that course of action unless it is a last resort. Intelligent Patriots and all people of faith must do all we can to avoid a Marxist inspired civil war, especially lots of prayer. 

Americans killing other Americans might be a Marxist/Demoncrat power-grab goal, but real Patriots must resist that in all peaceful ways we can. We all know the horrors that came about during that time of Marxist-induced insanity that happened to Americans from 1861 to 1865 (which was NOT a "true Civil War, properly defined", as I have often written in The Times Examiner).

Be that as it may, if peaceful and sincere efforts can't prevent violence, however it's defined and to whatever extent it spreads, then ALL of us must abide by the great and memorable words uttered on April 19, 1775 by Capt. Jonathan Parker on the Sacred Green of Lexington, Mass. (a place I've trod several times), where he said:

 "Hold your fire, men.  Don't fire unless fired upon.  But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here"."

 I've stood on that very "battle line" where they all stood. Those were noble words, and not uttered flippantly or lightly by a man who was slowly dying of tuberculosis (he died the following September). I've stood by his statue and his grave in Lexington and wept. He, too, was a dedicated Patriot.

So, you ask--What should patriots do if Trump is sentenced to immediate prison on September 18?  Whatever we do we all need to band together as much as possible and decide on joint action. Hopefully peaceful protesting but protesting none the less. Then, read my thoughts, above, again, and share them. Share them now. Then comes a time of decision. My wife has several ancestors who fought in our first "Civil War", the one from 1775 to 1783.

 They willingly did what they had to do. They believed in their cause and acted upon their beliefs, and many of their compatriots sacrificed everything. We may have to do likewise, sooner or later. I hope that there are enough American Patriots who would band together to prevent violence, death, and destruction. 

But there are no guarantees regarding the death or the preservation of our liberties.  The must be preserved for ourselves and our descendants at all costs!  I repeat: At all costs!!!  That will be as we, and our God in Heaven, determine, just as happened in our 'Revolutionary War".  And that's the only certainty that I give to you.  I can give you no other.

Read W.H. Lamb’s latest article at The Times Examiner:“Fathers and Sons Are Not Always Alike”.

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