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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 27, 2023

Speaker Mike Johnson denigrated as an ‘election denier’ by the preeminent election deniers

October 26, 2023 By Jack Hellner

It’s official, Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana is the new Speaker, and Democrats immediately launched their first assault: Johnson is an “election denier” who played a “pivotal role in congressional efforts to overturn the 2020 election” and should not be allowed to remain in office because these “extremists” are a threat to “democracy.”  Most of the media, Hakeem Jeffries, and all the other Democrats who continually seek to destroy all Republicans and conservatives who demanded transparent elections, forgot something though—they’re the preeminent election deniers.  When we Republicans point out that Democrats have repeatedly challenged elections (2000, 2004, and 2016), they tell us that those examples are different. They are not election deniers, they challenged those elections on principle........To Read More....

My Take - Ya gotta give it to these misfit leftists.  There is no level of hypocrisy they can't embrace, and there's no level of integrity they will embrace.  If truth and time refute their claims, they simply ignore it or claim it never happened.  There's no logical fallacy they're not claim is reality, and no lie so great they'll not embrace.   Just like the modern Stalin apologists who claim that no one killed all those millions of people in Russia, and if millions did die; it wasn't Stalin's fault.  But if millions did die, and Stalin did order those deaths; it was because he was trying to save millions more from the maniacs within his government. Accordingly, Stalin and Baria, his chief of the secret police, were in reality the heroes, not the villains, and that all the evidence to the contrary constitutes a conspiracy of lies.


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