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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Patriot Neighbors: Hello World! Yes, Reality Bites

The Day the Delusions Died.  A lot of people woke up on October 7 as progressives and went to bed that night feeling like conservatives. What changed?,  By Konstantin Kisin

By Robin Itzler

From Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors.  E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  

Cartoon added by me.  RK

The Many Forms of Censorship 

We think of censorship as not allowing us to read certain books or see certain movies. Censorship is also how information is presented. For instance, when you do an online search such as with Google, you might only be given sources that lean left rather than all the information that is available on the topic.

The Associated Press (AP) censors’ reality with the words they use. Since the AP style guide is the bible for most print and verbal journalists, their suggestions are very important. For instance, the rampant RIOTING in 2020 following drug addict George Floyd’s death, while being constrained by a police officer, was referred to as UNREST by the Associated Press.

Did the looting, fires, property destruction, attacks on bystanders, murdering innocent people look like UNREST to you?

Or did it look like the rioting that it was?

Now the leftist AP style guide doesn’t want terrorism or terrorist to be used regarding the vicious Iran-sponsored Hamas attack in Israel. The AP wants Hamas (and other terrorist organizations) to be referred to as militants, fighters, attackers, or combatants. When you heard that Hamas beheaded babies, did you think TERRORIST or fighter?

FRANCE TODAY: Europe’s largest Muslim population

If you were wondering why you didn’t see pro-Hamas rallies in France, especially Paris, it’s because Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin banned all pro-Palestine demonstrations in the name of “public order.”

Following the horrific Hamas attack on Israel, where Hamas purposely raped, butchered, tortured and kidnapped civilians, French President Emmanuel Macron immediately announced the country’s support for Israel. From the Eiffel Tower to the Arc de Triomphe (pictured) there were many iconic French sites that were lit in blue and white to show solidarity with the Jewish State.

Unlike other European countries, France appears to have serious concerns about losing its French identity due to its growing Muslim population. In 2022, French lawmakers voted to ban women and girls from wearing hijab while playing sports.

On October 26, 2022, President Macron was interviewed by journalist Caroline Roux in the program L'Evénement and said: "If we look at crime in Paris today, we cannot fail to see that at least half of the crime comes from people who are foreigners, either illegal immigrants or waiting for a residence permit. In any case, they're in a very delicate situation, often coming in through these [illegal immigration] channels."

France has a population of 67.75 million with Muslims accounting for 10 percent of the population (2019-2020), according to the country’s national statistics bureau, Insee. In a report released in January of this year that looked at the religions of the French population aged 18 to 59:

  • Catholic 29% 
  • Muslim 10% 
  • Other religions 10% 
  • No religion 59%

From the Insee report:

Immigrants coming from traditionally Muslim countries are more engaged in religion.

  • Those from European, except Portugal, or Asian countries, claimed less frequently a religious affiliation. 
  • Only 20% of the Muslims regularly go to mosques. 
  • Religion's place in identity is clearly most significant for Jews (54%) and Muslims (30%), compared to Catholics (6%), and has decreased among Muslims in 11 years. 
  • 75% of Muslims fast strictly while 15% respect it "more or less."
 VICTORIA’S SECRET: Woke up, sales down

We can add Victoria’s Secret to the ever-growing list of “go woke, go broke” companies. Anyone with a brain could have told Victoria’s C-suiters that having alphabet women’s soccer player and wokester Megan Rapinoe as the face of their company would translate into lost customers. Sexy and Rapinoe go together like Adam Schiff and truth.

In 2020, Victoria’s revenue was $7.5 billion. In 2023, with Rapinoe being the face of the brand (along with trans women who are biological MEN), sales dropped 5 percent to $6.2 billion.

What sane woman goes into Victoria’s Secret wanting to imagine that what she purchases will make her look and feel like Rapinoe? 

If you’d like to share your thoughts with Victoria’s Secret CEO Martin Waters:

Email (media):, Phone: 800-411-5116, Write: Four Limited Parkway, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 

ERIC LIDDELL: God’s Gold Medalist

Even if you’ve never seen the 1981 movie Chariots of Fire, you’ve heard the iconic music as the Christian Eric Liddell and Jewish Harold Abrahams, both representing Great Britain at the 1924 Olympics, are in a practice run with other athletes along West Sands beach in Saint Andrews. Liddell, a devout Christian, refused to run in the 100-meter race that he was sure to win because it was being held on a Sunday – the Lord’s Day to pray and reflect. Abrahams competed and won that race. Liddell went on to win the gold in the 400-meter race. Both Liddell and Abrahams won other medals at the games.

But there is so much more to Liddell’s life story than winning gold medals at the 1924 Olympics. Living his life as a devout Christian he sacrificed much in the process but had no regrets. Read about Liddell’s amazing (but short) life in W. H. Lamb’s “Born to Run – God’s Gold Medalist”.

PLEADING GUILTY: Did you donate to their legal funds?

You will probably be hearing the term “struggle session” a lot more in the coming months. Originating during Chinese leader Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, the communist government made public spectacles of those they deemed enemies. The idea was to publicly humiliate the accused, including mental and physical torture. In the United States, so far, it appears “struggle sessions” are only focusing on mental humiliation.

Think about indicted Trump supporters who are being paraded into open courtrooms where in tears they must read statements about how they were wrong to defend President Donald J. Trump … wrong to allege fraud in the 2020 presidential election … wrong this, wrong that.

The left celebrates every plea deal as “proving” that Trump is guilty as charged. But let’s be realistic.  Most are/will be taking a plea deal promising to tell the “truth” under oath in exchange for probation versus prison. How many of us would do that to avoid spending years in a dark, cold cement cell?

  • Most are/will be taking a plea deal to save their shrinking bank accounts. How many of us could afford $1,000 an hour attorney fees fighting a U.S. state or federal government that has infinite legal resources and plenty of time for erroneous legal maneuvers?
  • Most are/will be taking a plea deal to stop the mental attacks that come from being unfairly indicted for legally doing what is deemed right. How many of us could withstand the stress of being indicted by a state or federal government that has a lap-dog media working with them?

But there is another legal matter involved beyond indicted Trump supporters doing anything, saying anything in their plea deals …

What about America First Patriots who donated to their legal defense funds because the indicted individual promised that he or she would fight this out in court? Emails, texts, tweets and robo calls from the indicted person stressing their support for President Trump and their commitment to fighting the unjust indictment – closing with “please make a donation today.”

Now there is talk about suing those taking plea deals to return donations.

For example, former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis raised $216,000+ to fight her Georgia RICO indictment. Now she has accepted a plea deal. Laura Loomer posted on X/Twitter:

“Jenna Ellis scammed all of you who donated to her. I TOLD YOU NOT TO DONATE TO THIS DISLOYAL WENCH. She didn’t even attempt to fight the charges. She’s now going to use the money so many of you foolishly gave her to work against President Trump in an election year. Shame on every single MORON who donated to Jenna Ellis.”

Townhall columnist Gavin Wax:

“She needs to return the money she raised back to her donors. That’s the Christian thing to do!”

Conservative political activist Jack Posobiec: 

“Struggle Sessions and gulags are here now. Right on schedule. Struggle Sessions. Gulags. Show trials. Good thing nothing like this has ever happened before.”

This is what happens when there’s a two-tier justice system that goes after Conservatives.

HOUSE SPEAKER JOHNSON: It was all in the timing

Editor's Note: Robin and I are friends, and usually we're in complete harmony on issues, but she and I disagree about Matt Gaetz. RK

These are the opening paragraphs in Robin’s October 27 American Thinker column:

Self-serving Representative Matt Gaetz had absolutely NO plan beyond “oust House Speaker McCarthy.” Some Patriots who support Gaetz claim that his actions “exposes” RINOs in Congress. That makes as much sense as Titanic passengers being happy the ship hit an iceberg because it now “exposes” that the luxury liner lacks sufficient lifeboats.

Finally, after three weeks of chaos, Republicans have a Speaker of the House! We wish fourth-term Conservative Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana complete success. He is currently the vice chairman of the House GOP conference. The attorney is a former Conservative talk radio host and columnist, and a man of deep Christian faith who strongly believes in the U.S. Constitution.


On the REPUBLICAN side, former Vice President Mike Pence has suspended his presidential campaign.

The latest RealClearPolitics poll shows President Trump at 59 percent. This is unprecedented just when you factor in that the Swamp and Left are mercilessly indicting him. Three other Republican candidates have left the presidential contest and odds are you can’t name them because they came and went so fast: Xavier Suarez, Will Hurd, and Perry Johnson. Johnson endorsed Trump.

On the DEMOCRAT side, third-term congressman Dean Phillips (Minnesota) announced on October 27 that he would challenge Joe Biden for the Democrat nomination. Phillips told CNN:

“This was not about me, But my inability to attract other candidates, to inspire the president to recognize that it is time, compels me to serve my country because it appears that President Joe Biden is going to lose the next election.”

Elsewhere, Phillips told reporters:

“Having been to the southern border twice, it is not secure, it is inhumane. Is told reporters Friday. “It is not fair to those who are seeking refuge. It is not fair to our border patrol agents, who have shown extraordinary mercy and humanity in ways that I wish more Americans saw. And they’ve been demeaned by Democrats.”

On the INDEPENDENT side, fears that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. would take votes from the Republican nominee (looking likely to be Donald Trump) were tossed aside when RFK, Jr. announced he is for reparations to blacks. Reparations:

Blacks who were NOT slaves should receive money and/or credits from whites who were NOT slave owners. Yeah, that sounds like something that America First Patriots would endorse—not! From Kennedy’s website:

“Communities that were specifically targeted for destruction need to be specifically targeted for repair. During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. “We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.

These programs complement direct redress payments or tax credits to the descendants of the victims of Jim Crow and other victims of persecution. “RFK Jr will find ways to offer this redress that are legal, fair, and win the approval of Americans of all races.”

Why is RFK taking this extremely progressive position? He must feel he has a better chance peeling off Democrat voters, specifically black voters, from Joe Biden than Republican voters. Biden does not take a strong position on reparations. (Maybe Biden is relaxing on the beach.)

Speaking of Joe Biden, while the world is perilously close to World War III, we are happy to report that Joe Biden spent the October 21-22 weekend enjoying the Delaware beach with his wife “doctor” Jill Biden. There is nothing more reassuring than the supposed “president” focused on issues that could push the world into ferocious battle between good and evil.

In the CALIFORNIA primary for U.S. Senate, Laphonza Butler, who was appointed to the Senate earlier this month by California Governor Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom following Dianne Feinstein’s death, announced last week that she would not seek election for a full term in 2024. All you need to know about the MARYLAND RESIDENT is that Butler is PRO-PRO-PRO-ABORTION. Now we are back to:

  • Democrats: Communist Barbara Lee, Marxist Katie Port, Former reporter Christina Pascucci, Liar Adam Schff
  • Republicans: James Bradley,Eric Early, Denice Gary-Pandol, Steve Garvey 

Only registered Republicans can vote in the California Republican primary.

Patriot Neighbors welcomes sharing readers’ opinions.

This email message from Mollie Lazarus was sent to Peggy Hall.

DEAR PEGGY HALL, FOUNDER OF THE HEALTHY AMERICAN,  by Mollie Lazarus — Texas (formerly California)

Dear Peggy, I read your commentary entitled, “Hamas ‘Attack’ on Israel,” and I would like to say that I thought I knew who you were and realize I was surely mistaken! Perhaps you may remember me as a board member of a Republican club who heard you speak and thought our members would appreciate hearing from you. I therefore recommended you to our board to be a speaker at one of our meetings.

I never suspected that deep in your heart you had the seeds of hatred and antisemitism buried!

You’ve apparently found this brutal and evil situation as fodder for self-promotion by suggesting we should listen to your take on what is really happening in Israel! You don’t know what you are talking about! You are ignorant and dangerous with your unproven allegations!

I am so sorry I every recommended you to our group!

How dare you put this out to feed the evil haters and the unknowing? You suggest that you are merely questioning things about what the media shows and states about the terrorist attack by Hamas from Gaza. After reading and rereading what you stated I see that you clearly have bought hook, line and sinker all the lies and spins that pro-Hamas and Palestinian extremists have cast out there for you to gobble up and spew out!

For you to make these assertions that “things are not always as they appear” without any ability to certify them as fact is outrageous of you in the face of a growing death and hostage count that is available from many sources both on the right and left of the spectrum, mainstream or otherwise. It is unconscionable!

Your specious use of a so-called "pattern of numbers" to indicate that the attack videos were all fake is beyond reason and suggests you might be best offering your services as a tarot card reader!

Your list of so-called facts about Israel means nothing and is known to most well-read people already. You follow this by implying things about what Israel knew or didn’t know, and without any proof suggest that Israel was the one bombing civilians!

How can you post pictures of people running away in terror in the desert from the outdoor concert and suggest that “it looks staged or pretty casual”?????? How dare you! All those dead bodies and funerals and families devastated by loss is fake to you!

People who really know about the geopolitical situation in the Middle East, know that Iran did not want Saudi Arabia to sign the Abraham Accord with Israel. They wanted to stop everything moving toward peaceful relations in its track.

Iran had been planning this with Hamas for several years.

The puppet President, Joe Biden gave them the financial means to do this by giving them access to more than $6 Billion of assets that had been frozen by President Trump.

For you to suggest that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu orchestrated this attack on Israel for political gain is so diabolically evil that you are in my eyes no better than an antisemitic member of the Squad! Most absurd of all was the assertion that when leaders in the Middle East shook hands they were really signaling evil intentions and were in cahoots with one another! Do you know how foolish this makes you sound?

Lastly, I am most outraged that you would show a picture of an old woman, a Holocaust survivor herself, being paraded around in a golf cart by Hamas terrorists and suggest that it was staged! Staged to show what, by whom? Don’t you realize after that picture they brutally killed her and cheered about it!!!!!

You are not merely questioning what you saw, read or heard, you are clearly discounting its validity and giving comfort to the enemy, the savages who hate and kill and brutalize the innocent! It appears you clearly thought this would be a great topic for your website and improve your standing among commentators, but you only showed that you are an easy pawn of the most twisted and hateful to walk the earth!

I also saw your article entitled, “I Am Not Allowed to Question Certain Topics”. So apparently, it appears you are digging a hole for yourself even deeper than before and no apology can be expected from you!

All I can say is goodbye Peggy, you can no longer fool anyone that you are good hearted Christian and wouldn’t hurt a fly. No you won’t hurt a fly but would stand by and watch as Jews are systematically killed as in “From the river to the sea”, the motto to wipe out every Jewish life in Israel. (Pictured: Israel’s Ambassador Gilad Erdan thanks Americans for standing with Israel.)

Is The Tide Turning to Freedom?

With our prayers and involvement, we must have hope of saving our republic. Let’s look at some recent wins that show the tide might be turning in the direction of Conservative Judeo-Christian values. However, we need Republican LEADERSHIP, which seems to be in short supply:

  • Many people with big bucks (billionaire, business moguls, and university alumni) are pulling their support from Ivy League universities to protest that school administrators along with students failed to strongly condemn the horrific Hamas attack on Israeli civilians. Wonder how many of them are Democrat and will withdraw their money from the jackass party?
  • The Americans Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is siding with President Trump! The ACLU has told U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan that the gag order she imposed is too broad and restrains Trump’s speech. In a friend-of-the-court brief, the ACLU said that voters have a right to hear what Trump has to say as he is running for president. Imagine just how leftist Judge Chutkan must be if the ACLU is defending Trump!
  • The 92 years old, George Soros (who we want to point out was born to Jewish parents but is NOT Jewish), is moving into the background and letting his son Alex Soros run his global operations: Open Society Foundations (OSF). The younger son is said to be more radical than his father. The good news is that they have been closing a lot of international offices and laying off 40 percent of its employees.

UNITED NATIONS: Sec Gen supports terrorists

United Nations members frequently spew anti-America, anti-Israel garbage. It would better “serve” the world community if the organization was located elsewhere, such at The Hague in the Netherlands, not on pristine land in New York City.

It’s current pro-Hamas Secretary General Antonio Guterres should resign based on his recent speech where he said that Israel deserved the brutal terrorist October 7 attack on its innocent civilians. It is unacceptable that the U.N. secretary general embraces crimes against humanity. We can only imagine how Guterres would have supported the Nazis during the Nuremburg Trials.

If you want to share your thoughts with U.N. Secretary General Guterres: 

Click Here to E-Mail, Phone:212-963-4475, Mail:405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017

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