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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, March 4, 2019

P&D Today

By Rich Kozlovich

As you follow the events of the day a person has to wonder:  How in the world can these people believe in the things they say and do? The government is supposed to investigate crimes, but when did the Congress all of a sudden start looking for crimes, or worse yet, make up crimes. 

The House Democrats are outraged at the "crimes" committed by Trump.  They just can't find them, so they're going to keep looking until they find something even if they have to make it up.

 Why weren't they as outraged at the crimes committed by the Obama administration that were obvious to the most casual observer.  They claim it's their job to uphold the "rule of law", but that apparently was a concept they only grasped after Hillary didn't get elected. 

The left embraces every vile and corrupt concept in order to attain power, and will happily shift 180 degrees and promote the latest philosophical flavor of the day, abandoning what they promoted before, all the while condemning the opposition for embracing what they previously embraced. 


Because the left has no moral foundation other than doing anything and everything to attain power, and once that happens any promises made before will be abandoned if they deem it necessary.  After all, power is the goal, the outcome is only secondary.  Once they attain the kind of power they desire, they won't have to answer to anyone as they will control all the levers of power including the governments many and various armed forces. 

Is it any wonder every socialist regime has been an irrational, misanthropic and morally defective failure from the French Revolution to Venezuela.  The only socialist governments that survived abandoned socialism.  Those who refused left devastation in it's wake.

Please enjoy todays offerings. 

Democrat Investigations
Feel the Bern
Government Land Grab
Green New Deal
Media Corruption
Solar Energy

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