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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, March 4, 2019

Trump Goes on the Offensive in the Culture War

We finally have a president willing to put everything on the line.

March 4, 2019 Karen Kataline 

Whether or not we like to admit it, we are in a full-blown culture war. Every tradition we hold dear is under attack. Suddenly, we are expected to adapt unquestioningly to bizarre cultural changes like the celebration of "gender fluidity," abortion, infanticide, and 11-year-old drag queens. It is assumed as a given that we must force girls to use “non-gender specific” bathrooms, to reward victimhood, and to demonize "toxic masculinity" and law-abiding citizens. And intense pressure is on for us to embrace the destruction of our borders - and to forfeit our right of self-defense.

And that is just a tiny sample.

It’s all part of the same plan that secret socialists, and avowed ones like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aren’t just talking about openly, but are working harder than ever to implement. To succeed, they must wage a war on our values and traditions, as well as our independence of thought.
Although it is to our benefit that the Left's destructive agenda is finally out in the open, we haven’t had a Republican president who has been equipped to defeat this festering threat in more than three decades.

That is, until now..........To Read More.....

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