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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sanders gets testy on ‘The View’ — demands to talk about ‘climate change’ when confronted about his behavior

“Climate change” is the new strategy for Democrats to dodge serious issues.

March 1st, 2019 By Martin Walsh

Sen. Bernie Sanders made an appearance Friday on ABC’s “The View” to discuss his 2020 presidential campaign and the policies he will support.  But one of the most notable exchanges came when co-host Meghan McCain asked the Vermont socialist about reports that he was “unbelievably abusive” to his own staff.   Sanders, who was visibly rattled by the question, dodged and argued that we should be talking about climate change.  “Des Moines Register asked you questions about it as well,” McCain said...........To Read More.....

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