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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, March 4, 2019

CNN Analyst Compares Trump's CPAC Speech To Hitler, Says Putin Wrote It

Timothy Meads  Mar 03, 2019

CNN analyst and former Obama administration advisor Samantha Vinograd recoiled at President Donald J. Trump's CPAC speech, accusing the current commander-in-chief of sounding like mass murderer and dictator Adolph Hitler as well as having his speech written by Russia's Vladimir Putin.
In particular, Vinograd was aghast that President Trump mentioned preserving "our heritage."

“Well, Ana, his statement makes me sick, on a personal level, preserving your heritage, reclaiming our heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about six million other Jews in the 1940s,” Vinograd told the host. “But our national security level, the president talks about preserving our heritage as a catch-all for implementing policies that misallocate resources.”

As for further evidence that President Trump is Nazi-like, Vinograd pointed to his use of emergency border wall funding............To Read More...... 

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