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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Why Obama So Dislikes Netanyahu

by Dennis Prager
Those who do not confront evil resent those who do. There is no question about whether President Obama — along with Secretary of State John Kerry and the editorial pages of many newspapers —has a particular dislike of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But there is another question: Why?
And the answer is due to an important rule of life that too few people are aware of: Those who do not confront evil resent those who do..... In short, those who refused to characterize the Soviet Union as evil loathed Ronald Reagan and other anti-Communists for doing so; and those who objected to the“Axis of Evil” label placed on North Korea, Iran, and Iraq loathed George W. Bush and his supporters. The loathing of Benjamin Netanyahu is simply the latest example of the rule that those who will not confront evil will instead confront those who do. (It’s much safer, after all.)
Since the end of World War II, there has been a name for the people who refuse to confront evil and who resent those who do: Leftists........To Read More....

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