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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 15, 2015

More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches

Published March 12, 2015

Seattle’s $15 minimum wage law goes into effect on April 1, 2015. As that date approaches, restaurants across the city are making the financial decision to close shop. The Washington Policy Center writes that “closings have occurred across the city, from Grub in the upscale Queen Anne Hill neighborhood, to Little Uncle in gritty Pioneer Square, to the Boat Street Cafe on Western Avenue near the waterfront.”Of course, restaurants close for a variety of reasons. But, according to Seattle Magazine, the “impending minimum wage hike to $15 per hour” is playing a “major factor.” That’s not surprising, considering “about 36% of restaurant earnings go to paying labor costs.” Seattle Magazine, “Washington Restaurant Association’s Anthony Anton puts it this way: “It’s not a political problem; it’s a math problem.”.....To Read More.....

My Take - Actually-it is a political problem. It's not the job of government to decide how much a company should pay its employees, especially since none or few of those bureaucrats have any practical experience in business, never started a business, never ran a business, never had to meet a payroll and never went without a paycheck so they could meet payroll. Since most of them think like, or are, leftists we should ask – When did any socialist imposed economy not fail? This is group whose economic ignorance and incompetence is uncanny and eternal because the very nature of socialism is predicated on a foundation of sand – a small elite know best, know what works, they will make all the decisions, and the reason they continue to believe this nonsense is they never read history books.

Since this is in Seattle this question is particularly pertinent. Name one government employee who picked Microsoft to be a winner! Here's the other question that leads to clarity. If these bureaucrats - who apparently believe without supporting evidence - they're the ones who understand economics and business so well they should be making these decisions for other people - why are they working for peanuts in some government job instead of making untold riches with investments on Wall Street?

Of course they always fall back on - it's isn't about economics, it's about fairness.  Okay, so then who wrote the "Book of Fair", and where is it?   There is no "Book of Fair" because it's patently obvious to the most casual observer that what's "fair" is more often than not in he eyes of the beholder.  And we really need to get this - it isn't about fairness or economics.  It's about power and control!

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