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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Iceman Cometh

by  January 5, 2015

cars covered snow

Temperatures in the coastal city of Syracuse in Sicily, dropped to record or near record lows on December 31 and again on January 2. January is typically the coldest month of the year in Syracuse, but the average low temperature according to Best of Sicily is a relatively balmy 50 degrees. In addition to unusually low temperatures, Syracuse rang in the year with a historic snowfall – something that had never happened before......To Read More.....

My Take - And of course this is another sign of global warming. Oooops.....I forgot.....Since the warming has "paused" for 18 years, and the Warmists emails exposed them as charlatans, Mann's Hockey Stick has been exposed as either fraud or incompetence, but in any case wrong, Biffa's tree ring counting is meaningless, and Hansen's math has now been shown to be so obviously inaccurate by those who understand these things, it would appear that deliberate fraud seems possible....So now it's "Climate Change".

Which of course is a winner because the world's climate changes all the time and has done so throughout the Earth's history, and at times those changes were far greater than anything occurring now. But according to Obama’s Science Czar John P. Holdren…Global Freezing is a sign of Global Warming, and we – humanity – are responsible for it.

But never fear, there’s a solution. According to the Warmists the only solution is to give them control of all the money and power in the world to do whatever it is that pleases them, even if it means billions die or fall into poverty, misery, suffering and early death.  Does that seem a bit hyperbolic to you?

You all know who Holdren is don’t you? He’s the author of a “1977 textbook entitled Ecoscience in which the current White House advisor called for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus.”

Wow! Now who wouldn’t think that was a winning solution? Everyone’s on board with that – Right? And they thought Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro and Pot Pol were crazy for all the mass murders they committed.

There is something we need to understand. The left is misanthropic and morally defective. The left is a secular religion that practices human sacrifice and has done so going back to the French Revolution.  The left is willing to sacrifice any number to fulfill their demented delusions for creating their version of utopia. In reality dystopia follows the green/left like Sancho Panza followed Don Quixote, a madman.

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