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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ontario's Electricity Distribution Companies: Truth In Advertising

“Greenies do a good job of impoverishing the countries they parasitize.”  Jon Ray

Wind Concerns Ontario

When ratepayers in Ontario opened their mail from Hydro One, Toronto Hydro or any of the other 75 local distribution companies (LDCs) over the past month they were offered free stuff like a free energy display or a free programmable thermostat. They also were offered 100 Bonus Air Miles. While the latter is worth about $10.00 the two former items are said to be worth $250.00, not including, in the case of the thermostat, installation costs which are also free.  The only condition attached to these free offers is that you must join “peaksaverPLUS” a trademark of the Ontario Power Authority. The peaksaverPLUS program is designed to; help you conserve energy and allow the LDC, for example, to remotely control your thermostat or refrigerator and reduce electricity demand on hot summer days. To Read More……


  1. Saving energy is what everyone wants or to produce renewable energy..

    Solar Installer Ontario

  2. Logan,

    First of all you can't save energy. It is either used or it isn't used, and "everyone" isn't enamored with the production of "renewable" energy, assuming that it is what the green movement deems as "renewable". Renewable energy has been with us for decades, it is called coal, oil, nuclear, hydroelectric and natural gas, and with current resources it will be with us for hundreds of years more. We aren’t running out of energy sources….that was a lie before and it is a lie now.

    Solar and wind energy are meaningless as so-called renewable sources; they are parasites of the energy system we have because we must maintain traditional power generation systems as a back-up for when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. That means we are paying for energy we aren’t using in order to pay for energy we don’t need, and it will always be with the technology that exists now.

    Not to mention the fact that it an “Impossible Mission” to generate sufficient energy from those sources to meet the nation’s needs. And that is a “Really Big Impossible Mission”. Solar and wind are an enormous waste of the people’s money, and a boon to the greenies and corrupt businessmen who take advantage of all of that government grant money or tax breaks.

    I will say that there are limited use applications for solar, and I like the convenience they provide, but that is as far as the worth of solar goes. It cannot be an “alternate” source of energy for the nation’s electrical grid that can have any value unless it is subsidized, and then still can’t provide the needed energy to maintain a modern industrial society, and will still be a parasite on the system....period!

    There is a reason why all of those alternative energy companies that received hundreds of millions of dollars in grant money went broke.

    Rich K.
