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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Newark Teachers Claim to be ‘Indentured Servants’ Despite $57K Average Salary

Is it ever enough? That’s what citizens should be asking in Newark, where the teachers are claiming they are subject to “indentured servitude” for being forced to consider an “inhumane” collective bargaining agreement that many consider very union friendly.
The average Newark teacher’s pay is $57,926, according to That constitutes “indentured servitude”?
In 2011, found that Newark teachers contributed a big fat zero to their health insurance benefits. Taxpayers, on the other hand, spent a healthy $111,742,197 to pay for teacher benefits. Yes, that’s $111 million to zero.
The school district receives a whopping $28,406 per student from state, federal and local sources. A great deal of that money goes to teachers for salary and benefits. That’s not enough to break the chains of servitude endured by the public school servants of Newark? If you listen to union activists, the answer would be “no.”
Newark union teachers have become unhinged at the idea of being held accountable for their students’ academic achievement. So much so, reported, the union may actually reject the contract negotiated by its leaders, thereby snubbing a 14 percent raise. ……..
 Apparently to these teachers, $57,926 per year is not enough to convince them to work harder to improve miserable student test scores, like a 56 percent proficiency rating in science for 8th graders or a 45 percent proficiency rating in math for the same students, according to    .......

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