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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Johnny Can Read, He Just Can't Think

by Jeff Jackson

Recent research has revealed that all of the computers that our children have grown up with aren’t enhancing their education. Reading when young is an important part of intellectual development, and the earlier the better. It isn’t that our youngsters aren’t getting words to read, it’s that they are getting too many pictures. All of the computer games, while endlessly amusing, aren’t providing enough words............When brains are developing, the processing of words is important. The reason is that after certain points of development are achieved, students need to take words and process them into mental images without the help of pictures. The ability to take words and translate them into thoughts is a skill brought about by reading, and of course, providing evidence of comprehension via tests and writing.............

I noticed this lack of critical thinking skills in business majors some time ago. There is a difference between learning and thinking. Learning means knowing things such as facts and knowing how to do things. Thinking splits off into different modes of thinking, like scientific, mathematical, historical, economic, or philosophical thinking.........Critical thinking involves examining situations, considering flaws, looking at the facts and making suggestions about how to solve what is going wrong. As such, that is a very thin definition, but I’m not writing a book about critical thinking, I’m noting the skills many of our young people are lacking, and possibility of the source of the problem, being too many images and not enough text that needs to be mentally visualized.......To Read More.....

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