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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Wisconsin’s Shame Endures

The disgusting partisan witch hunt is over, but its victims’ pain lingers.
by David French October 4, 2016 1:55 PM @DavidAFrench
Yesterday, with minimal fanfare and attention, the U.S. Supreme Court finally ended one of the most shameful abuses of power in recent American history, rejecting the request of three Democratic prosecutors to restart their so-called “John Doe” investigations of conservative activity in the recall campaign against Wisconsin governor Scott Walker.
It is hard to do justice to the scale of this outrage. As I detailed at length in a story last year, Wisconsin prosecutors used an obscure provision of state law to launch a secret investigation into alleged illegal “coordination” between conservative organizations and the Walker campaign. In one day, a local judge named Barbara Kluka approved hundreds of pages of subpoenas, petitions, and search warrants.
The raids themselves were terrifying. In anonymous interviews, victim after victim described to me the pounding on the door, the rush of officers into their homes, the investigators strutting about, taking their personal belongings, and ordering them to be silent, or else.
At the same time, these partisan inquisitors were securing copies of the victims’ electronic records without their knowledge, gaining access to all of their personal and professional communications.  
This was a witch hunt, designed to persecute American citizens for exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. ...........The message is clear. To many progressives, transparency is my obligation, not theirs. Free speech is their right, not mine. Social justice must be achieved by any means necessary, and if innocent parents and children suffer for it, well then to them that’s just a bonus. Conservatives, after all, get what they deserve.........Read more
My Take -   Make sure to read the entire article.  And for those who've not been following this story and are shocked - just wait.  This has been a problem at all levels of government and after Hillary is enthroned it's going to get worse.  The Supreme Court she empanels will be a pert of this treasonous tyranny.  . 

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