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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Please Tell Me These FBI/DOJ ‘Side Deals’ with Clinton E-Mail Suspects Didn’t Happen

by Andrew C. McCarthy October 4, 2016 4:06 PM @AndrewCMcCarthy

The ‘side deals’ are further evidence of a highly politicized Obama Department of Justice. Just when you think it can’t get any worse . . . According to House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R., Va.), the immunity agreements struck by the Justice Department with Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, two top subjects of the FBI’s Clinton e-mail investigation, included “side agreements.”

Pursuant to these side agreements, it was stipulated that:
(a) the FBI would not scrutinize any documents dated after January 31, 2015 (i.e., about five weeks before the most disturbing actions suggestive of obstruction of justice occurred); and  
(b) the FBI — in an investigation critically involving destruction of documents — would destroy the computers after conducting its search......

More fundamentally, as I’ve been arguing since we learned of the immunity agreements, why did the government grant immunity in the first place? Unfortunately, the question, at this point, is rhetorical. Immunity was granted because the Justice Department would not use the grand jury against Mrs. Clinton..........Read more
My Take - And so who's going to jail over this?  Who's being impeached over this?  When the administration and the law enforcement agency required to - not only enforce the law but obey the law - refuse to do both,  and are clearly party to the crime - if not before, absolutely after the fact, what's to be done? 

When the Congress is more worried about getting re-elected than fulfilling their duties and oaths of office and refuse to act - what's to be done?   Make no mistake about this - this nation is about the enthrone one of the most corrupt people on the planet through voter fraud, and the media and the courts have been party to this.  Why would anyone believe this isn't going to get worse?

As for those who think an Article V Convention of the States is inapporpriate and dangerous - what has the nation to lose?    If the states don't act now, they may never be able to act in the future because  I'm convinced these kinds of actions may well lead to a civil war.   And I also believe a substantial part of the American public - deep in their hearts and minds - think that also - because no one laughs when I say that!

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