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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, February 12, 2016

U.K. Targets Christians and Homeschoolers in "Extremism" Scheme

by Alex Newman

Under the guise of battling “extremism” and “radicalization,” authorities in the United Kingdom announced plans to crack down on homeschooling families and even on church-run Sunday-school programs for children. The public at large is being told that the dizzying array of proposed new government “extremism” schemes are aimed at stopping groups such as the Islamic State and other jihadists from “radicalizing” children. But with Christian Sunday schools being lumped in with Islamic madrasas, in practice, Christians and home educators are admittedly in the government’s crosshairs as well. And now, critics of the agenda are sounding the alarm.

The news about a coming government crackdown on homeschooling first emerged late last year, just as news about a massive surge in the number of home educators was making headlines across Britain following a court ruling demanding atheism in schools. Of course, officials are not-so-subtly painting the campaign as a harmless effort to prevent “radicalization” of children by Islamic extremists. Either way, though, top U.K. officials have already made alarming public statements about what they consider to be “extremism” in need of government intervention — and it includes biblical Christian doctrines. Among other proscribed “extremist” views: the biblical understanding of human sexuality, marriage, and sin.......

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