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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The real story of anti-GMO teen sensation Rachel Parent: Idealist or pawn of ‘natural’ marketers?


Imagine. You come home after a hard day at school. You’re hungry, so you reach for a bag of delicious corn chips. You don’t know what’s in there because there’s no label, so you eat it…OMG, there’s GMOs in it! You didn’t know! You might be harmed! That’s why we need food labeling, to protect innocent children being targeted by evil corporations!
That’s the gist of anti-GMO campaigner Rachel Parent’s stump speech, delivered at schools and on television programs around the world. She’s only 16 years old, but the Canadian high school student has become a canny international crusader in the effort to protect the world against the ecological and health dangers of foods made from genetically engineered crops.........Rachel’s father, Wayne Parent, is the CEO of Nutrition House and the list of favorites on his Facebook page suggest that he himself is an activist against GMOs. In other words, teenage Rachel is not just a leading spokesperson for labeling advocates; whether she will acknowledge it or not she’s a front for the ‘natural products’ anti-GMO movement who have done everything in the power to deny the public a right to know about the very real dangers of many “natural” supplements..........Unfortunately, she’s being manipulated as a popular puppet to push bad science and unvetted products. That’s why we should not be critical of her personally. However, we must be critical about what she represents and of the those, including her parents, who are using her: she’s become spokesperson a dangerous role model for young people who see science as an ideological tool. Rachel Parent is a poster child. Not for bullying or the excesses of Big Ag but for the brazen hypocrisy of those who use the cloak of ‘right to know’ to deceive the credulous......

To Read More....Much More Worth Reading!

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