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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, February 12, 2016

Islam: At war with the world (and itself)

Dan Calic

The most significant undeclared war of our time -- a war with Islam -- began November 4, 1979, the day Iran took US citizens hostage in Tehran and held 52 of them against their will for 444 days. While 9/11 was the worst single event by far, it wasn’t the beginning. Some may suggest there is no such war. Others claim it is the West that has declared war on Islam. Neither statement is correct. The fact is that Islam has declared war. War on democracy, the West, the US, Jews, Christians and all “infidels,” which includes other Muslims. We are in perilous times. The very fabric of the free world is under attack. Unless democratic nations, especially the US, acknowledge this and take steps to combat the threat, it’s possible Islam will eventually engulf everyone and everything. .... The free world should open its eyes, understand there is a war going on. Ignoring it won’t eliminate it. It will allow it to continue unabated. We should stop letting naïveté and political correctness govern our views or our laws. Difficult decisions will need to be made, and soon.  If the status quo continues the lifestyle free people are accustomed to will soon become a thing of the past......

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