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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Intellectual Conservative

AZ House Judiciary Committee passes two bills to reform and eliminate the corrupt mandatory Arizona State Bar, By Rachel Alexander, on February 12th, 2016
Rep. Anthony Kern, the main sponsor of HB 2219 and HB 2221, opened the hearing explaining that the bills were being run based on recommendations of an ad hoc committee which studied the issue this past year. There are concerns that attorneys' First Amendment rights are being violated because they are forced to pay dues in order practice law. Consequently, the bills propose to move the regulation of attorneys back under the Arizona Supreme Court, which is what the Arizona Constitution mandates. JOHN PHELPS The first person to testify was John Phelps,* the CEO and Executive Director of the State Bar. He makes $225,000 annually. He said that Clint Bolick, the respected libertarian litigator who was just appointed to the Arizona Supreme Court, says our legal system is the best in Arizona. So? What else is he going to say, now that's been appointed to the court? Then he said the ad hoc committee found no problems with the Bar. Is he out of his mind? I sat through the ad hoc committee meetings and the committee discussed nothing else but problems with the Bar.....

Hillary Clinton Coming Under Increasing Fire as 'The Goldman Sachs Candidate for President', By Rachel Alexander, on February 12th, 2016
The American middle class has been suffering for several years in the wake of the financial crisis that began at the end of President Bush's second term, stretched into President Obama's presidency, and involved the government bailout of big banks. So it's an awkward time to be the candidate bankrolled -- literally -- by Goldman Sachs, or what the Democratic base derisively refers to as "Gold Sacks." Hillary Clinton is facing more and more heat for accepting $675,000 to give just three speeches to Goldman Sachs employees. What exactly is that hefty fee buying?......

Woman Who Said Bill Clinton Groped Her Named Spokesperson for RAPE PAC Against Hillary, By Rachel Alexander, on February 12th, 2016
Kathleen Willey, who told 60 Minutes she was sexually harassed by Bill Clinton, is taking a position as spokeswoman for a PAC opposing Hillary Clinton. Willey said she was groped by Bill Clinton in the Oval Office in 1993 when she came to him tearfully asking for a job. In a 1998 deposition, he denied the charge. The PAC will be called the Rape Accountability Project for Education PAC, or RAPE PAC.....

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