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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Climate Depot

Marc Morano @ Climate Depot

Climate Depot's Marc Morano: "Before 'global warming' caused sea level INCREASES, 'global warming' caused sea level DECREASES in 1987. Now in 2016, a NASA study is claiming 'global warming' is causing a slowdown in sea level rise."

Flashback 1987: FSU Professor: Global Warming Causes Sea Level To FallThe Palm Beach Post - July 6, 1987: By Mary McLachlin - Palm Beach Post Staff Writer- Via Real Climate Science website

Excerpt: Florida State University Geology Professor William Tanner: "Tanner plotted 4000 years of sea-level data on 5,000 years of climatological data published in last year's Encyclopedia of Climatology and found some interesting correlations. Every time the climate warmed a couple of degrees, the sea level went down. Every time the climate cooled a couple of degrees, the sea level went up. This happened four times, each cycle taking about 100 years, and spaced about 900 years apart."

"He says sea level rise has been about six inches over the past century, and he now expects that to slow down and even reverse itself if humans continue warming the Earth." .....

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